Corel Paint Shop Pro X Digital Darkroom

I hope you found these projects as fun to do as I did. If it's raining outside, go grab a hot drink or a glass of water, stretch a little, and then settle into the next chapter. Otherwise, grab your camera and go shoot more photos for your own projectsand be sure you have fun; it will show in your final images and in the photos themselves.

As you travel around with your camera looking for material, keep some of the ideas from this chapter's projects in mind. See whether you can come up with some ways to use the people you know in some of your own projects.

If you're reading this at a time when some of your favorite holidays are near, you're in luck. The next chapter deals with some holiday photos that can be fun to put together. Maybe you should take a quick peek before you head out with the camerajust in case it sparks an idea or two.
