Special Edition Using Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003

You might want to consider using the image tracing tool for assisting you in the design of dynamic Web templates. Because dwts traditionally have very specific layout requirements, tracing against any previously designed layout could make great design sense. You can also use the tool to learn better Web design skills.

We examine both of these issues in this section.

Using Image Tracing to Design Dynamic Web Templates

Dynamic Web Templates are a means for developers to create multiple Web pages that share the same layout. They also allow the "locking" of areas of pages from editing by others within the Web design team. Dynamic Web templates are easily designed through the use of the image tracing tool.

They are by their very nature cut up in to tables. Certain cells are made available for editing, whereas others are locked. This prevents information workers from making considerable layout or markup mistakes.

For more on the Layout Tables and Cells task pane and its role in the design process, see "Dynamic Web Templates," p. 411.

Image tracing can be an ideal tool for designing Dynamic Web Templates. The inspiration for such templates often comes from a mock-up image that can be used in their design.

For more on the development and use of dynamic Web templates, see "Dynamic Web Templates," p. 411.

Using Image Tracing to Learn Design

FrontPage has always provided a means for the developer to experiment and learn the Web design process directly in the FrontPage interface. Deconstructing the HTML code of another site or learning HTML by watching how FrontPage authors it are examples of the possibilities FrontPage allows for.

One of the more powerful features of the image tracing tool is the ability to take a screenshot of a site or design you want to learn from. Place the screenshot within your Design view and begin creating your own site, emulating and learning from the design.

How many tables did they use to accomplish the design? Would you have done things differently? Can you figure out where the tables are?


This is a feature for learning design, not copying the designs of others. Web designs can be copyrighted, and FrontPage is not a tool to steal the work of others.

The proper use of designing via tables takes a considerable amount of practice and experience. Grabbing a quick screenshot, placing it the background, and designing around it is a quick, easy, and effective way to learn (and perfect) this art.
