Accessing and Analyzing Data with Microsoft Excel (Bpg-Other)


calculated fields and calculated items, PivotTable report, 114, 120–23, 352–53

calculated totals, PivotTable Component, 179–80, 358

category axis, 57

category fields, PivotChart report, 100

characters, wildcard, 45

Chart Component, 182–92. See also Office Web Components

analyzing data, 185–91, 356–58

built-in datasheet, 192

direct data binding, 192

features, 14, 182–85, 191–92

OLAP data and, 211–14

Chart object, 308–11

Chart Wizard, 59, 113, 185, 192, 346–47


Access PivotChart views, 13, 138, 153–55, 355

Chart Component. See Chart Component

chart types, 28–29

Data Analyzer. See Data Analyzer

Excel, 12, 57–61, 346–47. See also Analysis ToolPak, Excel

Excel PivotChart reports, 124–27. See also PivotChart reports, Excel

child fields, PivotTable report, 98

classes, 289

code, 283–327

Application object, 294–97

macros and procedures, 284–89

Object Browser and online help, 291–94

object models, 289–97

programming Access, 313–15

programming Data Analyzer, 321–26

programming Excel. See code, programming Excel using

programming Office Web Components, 315–20

Visual Basic Editor and, 290–91

code, programming Excel using, 297–313

application object and, 296

conditional formatting, 306–8

creating PivotTable and PivotChart reports, 308–11

inserting functions, 302–6

opening and saving XML data, 311–13

sorting, filtering, and subtotaling data lists, 297–302

collections, 290

colon (:), 52


Data Analyzer view, 237–44, 359–60

formatting and, 25–26, 55–57

column charts, 28, 58–59

column fields, PivotTable report, 98

compacting Access databases, 339–40

compatibility, data, 9–10

complex sorting, Access, 138, 144–46

conditional formatting, Excel, 54–57, 306–8, 346

connection file types, 213. See also data sources; external data

constants, 290

constraints, 90, 92

criteria, filter, 44–45

crosstab queries, 146–47, 149–50

cubes, OLAP

Analysis Services, 16, 341–43

archiving and restoring, 341

connecting to, 208–14, 349–51

creating offline, 65, 114, 204–5, 218–24

Data Analyzer and, 17

data compatibility and, 10

defined, 198

processing, 341–43

customer service organizations, 5, 7–8
