Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows XP Professional (3rd Edition)

Ordering standard dial-up modem Internet service is really quite simple. Just call the ISP, talk to the sales department, and ask the sales representative to mail or fax you instructions for configuring Windows XP. In fact, it's easy enough that they may just talk you through it over the phone.

Ordering ISDN service is quite a different matter. The most difficult part is getting the ISDN telephone line ordered and installed correctly because ISDN service has a bewildering number of options, all specified in telephone-companyese. What you probably want is standard "2B+D, two data and voice" service with no extra-cost features.


Your best bet is to have your ISP order an ISDN line for you. If they won't, some ISDN modem manufacturersfor example, 3COMwill order your ISDN service for you.

Ordering cable, DSL, or satellite service is also quite easy because the ISP will take care of all the details for you. The provider first checks to see whether your neighborhood qualifies for the service. They call you back with the news, and then either send you a self-installation kit, or schedule an installation appointment. (Getting DSL installers to actually show up, though, can be a nightmare. But don't let me discourage you from trying. The service is really nice.)

After the service is installed, you're ready to configure your Windows XP computer. I'll discuss modems first, and then we'll cover setup of broadband equipment.
