XML, Web Services, and the Data Revolution


XML, Web Services, and the Data Revolution

By Frank  P.  Coyle

Table of Contents
Appendix  B.   SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework

All SOAP messages have an XML Information Set[10].

A SOAP node MUST ensure that all element information items and attribute information items in messages that it generates are correctly namespace qualified. A SOAP node MUST be able to process SOAP namespace information in messages that it receives. It MUST treat messages with incorrect namespace information as described in 4.1.2 Envelope Versioning Model .

This document defines the following namespaces[7]:

  • The SOAP envelope has the namespace identifier "http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-envelope"

  • The SOAP MustUnderstand Fault has the namespace identifier "http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-faults"

  • The SOAP Upgrade element has the namespace identifier "http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-upgrade"

Schema documents for these namespaces can be found by dereferencing the namespace identifiers. These schemas are normative.

A SOAP message MUST NOT contain a Document Type Declaration. On receipt of a SOAP message containing a Document Type Declaration, a SOAP receiver MUST generate a fault (see 4.4 SOAP Fault ) with a faultcode of "DTDNotSupported". A SOAP message SHOULD NOT contain processing instruction information items. A SOAP receiver MUST ignore processing instruction information items in SOAP messages it receives.

A SOAP message MUST NOT impose any XML schema processing (assessment and validation) requirement on the part of any receiving SOAP node. Therefore, SOAP REQUIRES that all attribute information items, whether specified in this specification or whether they belong to a foreign namespace be caried in the serialized SOAP envelope.

