The A+ Certification & PC Repair Handbook (Charles River Media Networking/Security)

Although Windows XP is a groundbreaking version of Windows that combines the best features of every version of the entire Windows family, it is by no means an easy task to apply and understand all of the possible technologies available. With the help of this chapter, you should now be well-versed in the intricate utilities and networking technologies present in Windows XP. Windows XP has been added to the A+ Operating Systems Technologies exam as a CompTIA 2003 Objective, and you should expect to see several questions regarding this operating system. You should now have a good understanding of the following ideals:

The best way to assert your skills is to ensure that you understand not only which answer is the correct answer, but why a particular answer is correct and others are not. The following review questions will give you an opportunity to test your comprehension of this chapter, as well as help prepare you for the exam.
