Adobe InDesign CS2 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques

#86. Paginating a Book

One advantage of using a book to manage multiple documents is the ability to use automatic pagination. As you work on documents in a book, adding and removing pages, InDesign can update page numbers throughout all the documents. In addition, if you want all the documents to start on a left-facing (even-numbered) or right-facing (odd-numbered) page, InDesign can automatically insert pages at the end of one document to ensure that the next document starts on the correct facing page.

By default, the book is paginated the same way the documents are. So if the documents use automatic page numbering and all start on page 1, the book is numbered sequentially from the first page of the first document to the last page of the last document. If there are any sections of page numbers created within a document, those are reflected in the book. Whenever a section is started, it follows through the documents in a book until InDesign encounters another section start.

For example, the first document in this book (Figure 86a) is the Cover, and it has the page number of 1, although that will not display anywhere. The cover is followed by a series of ads in a document that is not yet added to the book. The second document, TOC, has a section start and starts on page 8. The next two documents follow the previous document's page numbering, so you see 811, 1233, and 3437. Since not all the documents are ready for this book, you then see a new section with the Best New Restaurants feature on pages 118129. The next document, the Reviews, follows the feature and starts on page 130.

Figure 86a. Books can have many sections of page numbers.

To specify how page numbering works for a book, choose Book Page Numbering Options from the Book palette menu. In the Page Order area (Figure 86b), specify how each document should start:

  • Continue From Previous Document starts the page numbering according to the last page of the previous document. If the document ends on page 10, the next document starts on page 11. If the document ends on page 11, the next document starts on page 12. This setting is appropriate for single-sided documents.

  • Continue on Next Odd Page always starts the page numbering of a document on an odd (right-facing) page. If a document ends on page 11, the next document starts on page 13. This setting might be appropriate for chapters of a book, which usually start on a right-facing page.

  • Continue on Next Even Page always starts the page numbering of a document on an even (left-facing) page. If a document ends on page 12, the next document starts on page 14. This setting might be appropriate for a magazine in which each document is a feature that starts on a left-facing page.

  • To insert blank pages at the ends of chapters, click Continue on Next Odd Page or Continue on Next Even Page and InDesign will insert the blank pages. So, if a document ends on page 12 but the next document has to start on page 14, this will automatically insert a blank page 13 at the end of the document. To do this, check Insert Blank Page.

  • Check Automatic Pagination to continually repaginate the book as you work on chapters. If you prefer to wait until the book is more final, you can uncheck this option and choose Repaginate from the Book palette menu any time you want to update the pagination.

Figure 86b. The Book Page Numbering Options dialog box helps you ensure that pages are numbered correctly from document to document.

Paginating Requires Documents and Fonts

To accurately paginate a document, InDesign needs to open each document, look at the number of pages it currently has, determine whether to add any pages to the end, and then close it. Therefore, if a document is open by another user or missing from its original location, you cannot accurately paginate. In addition, if fonts for a document are missing, InDesign cannot determine if the text is flowing properly, and therefore it cannot determine if the document has the correct amount of pages. For accurate pagination, be sure all the fonts used in the book are active on your computer.

If you want to change the page numbering of an individual document in a book, select the document and choose Document Page Numbering Options from the Book palette menu. (As a shortcut, you can double-click the document's page numbers shown in the Book palette.) The controls in the Document Page Numbering Options dialog box are explained in #84. If you create a section for a document, that page numbering is followed through the documents in the book until another section start is encountered.
