Java GUI Programmers Primer, A
Summary of Chapter 3
- Specialized user interface components can be constructed by extending one of the pre-supplied AWT Components, most commonly the Canvas class.
- A separate top level window, associated with an application window, is derived from a Frame instance.
- The user's prior experience should be taken advantage of in the design of an interface.
- A double lined arrow on a STD indicates a transition which will result in a new part of the interface being created every time it is followed.
- Complex STDs should have state tables associated with them, keyed to the transitions on the diagram.
- It is better to prevent the user from making 'errors' than to have to correct them.
- National conventions should be considered when designing user interfaces.
- Specialized interface components should allow multiple listener objects to be registered with them.
- Attention to fine detail is an important part of effective user interface design.