Inside Coldfusion MX


<cfinsert dataSource = "ds_name" tableName = "tbl_name" tableOwner = "owner" tableQualifier = "tbl_qualifier" username = "username" password = "password" formFields = "formfield1, formfield2, ...">


Inserts records into a datasource from data in a CF form or form scope without the need for creating a SQL statement.


dataSource (Required)

The ColdFusion datasource.

tableName (Required)

Table in which to insert form fields. For Oracle drivers, the name must be in all uppercase. For the Sybase driver, it is case-sensitive.

tableOwner (Optional)

For datasources that support table ownership (such as SQL Server, Oracle, and Sybase SQL Anywhere), use this field to specify the owner of the table.

tableQualifier (Optional)

For datasources that support table qualifiers, use this field to specify the qualifier for table.

username (Optional)

Overrides username specified in ODBC setup.

password (Optional)

Overrides password specified in ODBC setup.

formFields (Optional)

Default: All on form, except keys.

Comma-delimited list of form fields to insert. If not specified, all fields in the form are included. If a form field is not matched by a column name in the database, ColdFusion throws an error. The database table key field must be present in the form.
