Inside ColdFusion™ MX |
By John Cummings, Neil Ross, Robi Sen |
| |
Publisher | : New Riders Publishing |
Pub Date | : August 13, 2002 |
ISBN | : 0-7357-1304-9 |
Pages | : 864 |
| Copyright |
| | About the Authors |
| | About the Contributors |
| | About the Technical Reviewers |
| | Acknowledgments |
| | Tell Us What You Think |
| | Introduction |
| | | Who This Book Is For |
| | | Overview |
| | | Conventions |
| | Chapter 1. ColdFusion Starts Here |
| | | The History |
| | | ColdFusion MX Overview |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 2. Preparing Your Environment |
| | | Installing and Configuring ColdFusion |
| | | Working with Dreamweaver MX |
| | | Integration of ColdFusion Studio |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 3. Before You Begin Coding Application Planning |
| | | Application Architecture |
| | | Application Layers |
| | | Resource Planning |
| | | Development Methodologies |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 4. Fundamentals of ColdFusion Development |
| | | Basic CFML |
| | | Bringing Data to the Browser |
| | | Interacting with Database Records |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 5. Reusing Code |
| | | Custom Tags |
| | | CFX Custom Tags |
| | | User-Defined Functions (UDFs) |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 6. ColdFusion Components |
| | | Building Your First CFC |
| | | Advanced ColdFusion Component Development |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 7. Complex Data Types |
| | | Using CFDUMP |
| | | Queries |
| | | Lists |
| | | Arrays |
| | | Structures |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 8. Application Framework |
| | | Web Statelessness |
| | | Locking Shared Variable Access |
| | | Application Framework |
| | | Application Variables |
| | | Session Variables |
| | | User Sessions |
| | | Server Variables |
| | | Cookies |
| | | Client Variables |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 9. Error Handling |
| | | Error Types |
| | | Try/Catch/Throw Routines |
| | | Custom Errors |
| | | Site-Wide Error Handlers |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 10. Regular Expressions |
| | | Basic Syntax |
| | | Metacharacters |
| | | POSIX Character Classes |
| | | Finding Strings |
| | | Replacing Strings |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 11. Working with Email |
| | | Preparing Your Environment |
| | | CFMAIL |
| | | CFPOP and Message Management |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 12. Working with Files |
| | | CFFILE |
| | | CFFTP |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 13. CFScript |
| | | Benefits |
| | | CFScript Syntax |
| | | Commenting Code |
| | | Conditional Programming |
| | | Working with Data Structures |
| | | Looping |
| | | For Loop |
| | | do-while |
| | | break |
| | | Functions |
| | | Output |
| | | Handling Exceptions |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 14. Debugging |
| | | Debugging and the ColdFusion Administrator |
| | | CFTRACE |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 15. CFML Coding: Best Practices |
| | | Considering Code Maintenance |
| | | Coding for Performance |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 16. Further Extending Your Applications |
| | | Working the Web the Power of CFHTTP and CFCONTENT |
| | | CFOBJECT and COM |
| | | Flash Remoting with ColdFusion |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 17. Common Application Development Requirements |
| | | Application Security |
| | | Content Management |
| | | E-Commerce |
| | | Personalization |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 18. Enhancing Application Performance with Caching |
| | | Caching Strategies |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 19. Introduction to XML and ColdFusion MX |
| | | XML 101 |
| | | Understanding Document Type Definitions |
| | | Working with XML Schemas |
| | | XML Syntax Rules |
| | | Creating XML |
| | | Using XML with ColdFusion MX |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 20. Advanced XML |
| | | How ColdFusion Parses XML |
| | | Using XML-Related Technologies |
| | | Working with WDDX |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 21. Web Services and ColdFusion |
| | | Web Service Basics |
| | | Communication |
| | | Description and Discovery |
| | | Finding Web Services with UDDI |
| | | Invoking a Web Service |
| | | Building Web Services |
| | | Other Web Service Options with ColdFusion |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 22. Leveraging J2EE |
| | | A Bit of Background on J2EE |
| | | ColdFusion and JSP |
| | | Working with Java Classes and Java Beans |
| | | Dealing with Java Exceptions |
| | | Working with EJBs |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 23. Working with Databases |
| | | Relational Databases |
| | | Working with SQL |
| | | Stored Procedures |
| | | Transactions |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 24. Advanced Database Interaction |
| | | Dynamic SQL |
| | | Query Caching |
| | | Query of Queries (CFSQL) |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 25. Administering the ColdFusion Server |
| | | Server Settings |
| | | Data and Services |
| | | Debugging and Logging |
| | | Extensions |
| | | Security |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 26. Performance Optimization and Scalability Planning |
| | | Measuring Performance |
| | | Enhancing Scalability |
| | | Load Testing |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 27. Migration to ColdFusion MX |
| | | Using the Code Compatibility Analyzer |
| | | Deprecated or Changed CFML Tags |
| | | Deprecated or Changed CFML Functions |
| | | Summary |
| | Chapter 28. ColdFusion Tips and Tricks |
| | | Design for Reusability |
| | | Validating Data Received from the Client |
| | | Use Application.cfm to Make Your Code Faster and More Portable |
| | | Using Session Variables with Care |
| | | Protect Yourself |
| | | Establishing Standard Prefixes in Your ColdFusion Code |
| | | Server-Side Redirections in CFMX |
| | | Group Totals and Details in One Database Query |
| | | Storing and Displaying Hierarchical Data |
| | | Summary |
| | Appendix A. Tag Reference |
| | | CFABORT |
| | | CFAPPLET |
| | | CFAUTHENTICATE (Obsolete) |
| | | CFBREAK |
| | | CFCACHE |
| | | CFCASE |
| | | CFCATCH |
| | | CFCHART (New in MX) |
| | | CFCOL |
| | | CFCOOKIE |
| | | CFDUMP |
| | | CFELSE |
| | | CFELSEIF |
| | | CFERROR |
| | | CFEXIT |
| | | CFFILE |
| | | CFFLUSH |
| | | CFFORM |
| | | CFFTP |
| | | CFGRAPH |
| | | CFGRID |
| | | CFHEADER |
| | | CFHTTP |
| | | CFIF |
| | | CFIMPORT |
| | | CFINDEX |
| | | cfinput |
| | | cfinsert |
| | | cfinvoke |
| | | cfinvokeargument |
| | | cfldap |
| | | cflocation |
| | | cflock |
| | | cflog |
| | | CFLOGIN (New in MX) |
| | | CFLOGINUSER (New in MX) |
| | | cflogout (New in MX) |
| | | cfloop |
| | | cfmail |
| | | cfmodule |
| | | CFOBJECT |
| | | cfoutput |
| | | cfparam |
| | | cfpop |
| | | cfprocessingdirective |
| | | cfprocparam |
| | | cfprocresult |
| | | cfproperty |
| | | cfquery |
| | | cfqueryparam |
| | | cfregistry |
| | | cfreport |
| | | cfrethrow |
| | | cfreturn |
| | | cfschedule |
| | | cfscript |
| | | cfsearch |
| | | CFSELECT |
| | | CFSET |
| | | CFSILENT |
| | | CFSLIDER |
| | | cfswitch |
| | | cftable |
| | | cftextinput |
| | | cfthrow |
| | | cftrace |
| | | cftransaction |
| | | cftree |
| | | cftreeitem |
| | | cftry |
| | | cfupdate |
| | | cfwddx |
| | | cfxml |
| | Appendix B. Function Reference |
| | | Abs |
| | | ACos |
| | | ArrayAppend |
| | | ArrayAvg |
| | | ArrayClear |
| | | ArrayDeleteAt |
| | | ArrayInsertAt |
| | | ArrayIsEmpty |
| | | ArrayLen |
| | | ArrayMax |
| | | ArrayMin |
| | | ArrayNew |
| | | ArrayPrepend |
| | | ArrayResize |
| | | ArraySet |
| | | ArraySort |
| | | ArraySum |
| | | ArraySwap |
| | | ArrayToList |
| | | Asc |
| | | ASin |
| | | Atn |
| | | BitAnd |
| | | BitMaskClear |
| | | BitMaskRead |
| | | BitMaskSet |
| | | BitNot |
| | | BitOr |
| | | BitSHLN |
| | | BitSHRN |
| | | BitXor |
| | | Ceiling |
| | | Chr |
| | | Cjustify |
| | | Compare |
| | | CompareNoCase |
| | | Cos |
| | | CreateDate |
| | | CreateDateTime |
| | | CreateObject |
| | | CreateODBCDate |
| | | CreateODBCDateTime |
| | | CreateODBCTime |
| | | CreateTime |
| | | CreateTimeSpan |
| | | CreateUUID |
| | | DateAdd |
| | | DateCompare |
| | | DateConvert |
| | | DateDiff |
| | | DateFormat |
| | | DatePart |
| | | Day |
| | | DayOfWeek |
| | | DayOfWeekAsString |
| | | DayOfYear |
| | | DaysInMonth |
| | | DaysInYear |
| | | DE |
| | | DecimalFormat |
| | | DecrementValue |
| | | Decrypt |
| | | DeleteClientVariable |
| | | DirectoryExists |
| | | DollarFormat |
| | | Duplicate |
| | | Encrypt |
| | | Evaluate |
| | | Exp |
| | | ExpandPath |
| | | FileExists |
| | | Find |
| | | FindNoCase |
| | | FindOneOf |
| | | FirstDayOfMonth |
| | | Fix |
| | | FormatBaseN |
| | | GetAuthUser |
| | | GetBaseTagData |
| | | GetBaseTagList |
| | | GetBaseTemplatePath |
| | | GetClientVariablesList |
| | | GetCurrentTemplatePath |
| | | GetDescriptor_html |
| | | GetDirectoryFromPath |
| | | GetException |
| | | GetFileFromPath |
| | | GetFunctionList |
| | | GetHttpRequestData |
| | | GetHttpTimeString |
| | | GetK2ServerCollections |
| | | GetK2ServerDocCount |
| | | GetK2ServerDocCountLimit |
| | | GetLocale |
| | | GetMetaData |
| | | GetMetricData |
| | | GetPageContext |
| | | GetProfileSections |
| | | GetProfileString |
| | | GetServiceSettings |
| | | GetTempDirectory |
| | | GetTempFile |
| | | GetTickCount |
| | | GetTimeZoneInfo |
| | | GetToken |
| | | Hash |
| | | Hour |
| | | HTMLCodeFormat |
| | | HTMLEditFormat |
| | | IIf |
| | | IncrementValue |
| | | InputBaseN |
| | | Insert |
| | | Int |
| | | IsArray |
| | | IsBinary |
| | | IsBoolean |
| | | IsCustomFunction |
| | | IsDate |
| | | IsDebugMode |
| | | IsDefined |
| | | IsK2ServerABroker |
| | | IsK2ServerDocCountExceeded |
| | | IsK2ServerOnline |
| | | IsLeapYear |
| | | IsNumeric |
| | | IsNumericDate |
| | | IsObject |
| | | IsQuery |
| | | IsSimpleValue |
| | | IsStruct |
| | | IsUserInRole |
| | | IsWDDX |
| | | IsXmlDoc |
| | | IsXmlElement |
| | | IsXmlRoot |
| | | JavaCast |
| | | JSStringFormat |
| | | LCase |
| | | Left |
| | | Len |
| | | ListAppend |
| | | ListChangeDelims |
| | | ListContains |
| | | ListContainsNoCase |
| | | ListDeleteAt |
| | | ListFind |
| | | ListFindNoCase |
| | | ListFirst |
| | | ListGetAt |
| | | ListInsertAt |
| | | ListLast |
| | | ListLen |
| | | ListPrepend |
| | | ListQualify |
| | | ListRest |
| | | ListSetAt |
| | | ListSort |
| | | ListToArray |
| | | ListValueCount |
| | | ListValueCountNoCase |
| | | LJustify |
| | | Log |
| | | Log10 |
| | | LSCurrencyFormat |
| | | LSDateFormat |
| | | LSEuroCurrencyFormat |
| | | LSIsCurrency |
| | | LSIsDate |
| | | LSIsNumeric |
| | | LSNumberFormat |
| | | LSParseCurrency |
| | | LSParseDateTime |
| | | LSParseEuroCurrency |
| | | LSParseNumber |
| | | LSTimeFormat |
| | | LTrim |
| | | Max |
| | | Mid |
| | | Min |
| | | Minute |
| | | Month |
| | | MonthAsString |
| | | Now |
| | | NumberFormat |
| | | ParagraphFormat |
| | | ParseDateTime |
| | | Pi |
| | | PreserveSingleQuotes |
| | | Quarter |
| | | QueryAddColumn |
| | | QueryAddRow |
| | | QueryNew |
| | | QuerySetCell |
| | | QuotedValueList |
| | | Rand |
| | | Randomize |
| | | RandRange |
| | | REFind |
| | | REFindNoCase |
| | | RemoveChars |
| | | RepeatString |
| | | Replace |
| | | ReplaceList |
| | | ReplaceNoCase |
| | | REReplace |
| | | REReplaceNoCase |
| | | Reverse |
| | | Right |
| | | RJustify |
| | | Round |
| | | RTrim |
| | | Second |
| | | SetEncoding |
| | | SetLocale |
| | | SetProfileString |
| | | SetVariable |
| | | Sgn |
| | | Sin |
| | | SpanExcluding |
| | | SpanIncluding |
| | | Sqr |
| | | StripCR |
| | | StructAppend |
| | | StructClear |
| | | StructCopy |
| | | StructCount |
| | | StructDelete |
| | | StructFind |
| | | StructFindKey |
| | | StructFindValue |
| | | StructGet |
| | | StructInsert |
| | | StructIsEmpty |
| | | StructKeyArray |
| | | StructKeyExists |
| | | StructKeyList |
| | | StructNew |
| | | StructSort |
| | | StructUpdate |
| | | Tan |
| | | TimeFormat |
| | | ToBase64 |
| | | ToBinary |
| | | ToString |
| | | Trim |
| | | UCase |
| | | URLDecode |
| | | URLEncodedFormat |
| | | URLSessionFormat |
| | | Val |
| | | ValueList |
| | | Week |
| | | WriteOutput |
| | | XmlChildPos |
| | | XmlElemNew |
| | | XmlFormat |
| | | XmlNew |
| | | XmlParse |
| | | XmlSearch |
| | | XmlTransform |
| | | Year |
| | | YesNoFormat |
| | Index |