DateFormat (" date" [, " mask" ]) Description Formats a date value. Supports dates in the U.S. date format. For international date support, use LSDateFormat. A mask is optional, and the default is dd-mmm-yy format. Use the following values for the mask: d. Day of the month as digits (no leading zero for single digits). dd. Day of the month as digits (leading zero for single digits). ddd. Day of the week as a three-letter abbreviation. dddd. Day of the week as its full name. m. Month as digits (no leading zero for single digits). mm. Month as digits (leading zero for single digits). mmm. Month as a three-letter abbreviation. mmmm. Month as its full name. y. Year as last two digits (no leading zero for years less than 10). yy. Year as last two digits (no leading zero for years less than 10). yyyy. Year represented by four digits. gg. Period/era string. Ignored, but reserved for future use. Example <cfset exampleDate = now()> <cfoutput> #DateFormat(exampleDate)# #DateFormat(exampleDate, "mm/dd/yyyy")# #DateFormat(exampleDate, "mmm-dd-yyyy")# #DateFormat(exampleDate, "mmmm d, yyyy")# #DateFormat(exampleDate, "d/m/yy")# </cfoutput> |