Inside Coldfusion MX

An important difference to note between ColdFusion's tag-based structure and CFScript is the formation of comments. In the tag-based structure, a comment takes the form <!--- Comment --->, and in CFScript, comments are denoted by a double forward slash (//) . So, use tags like this:

<!--- This is a comment ---> <cfset foo = 42> <!--- An additional comment ---> <cfset string_foo = "forty two">

And use CFScript like this:

<!--- This is a comment ---> <cfscript> foo = 42; //An additional comment string_foo = "forty two"; </cfscript>

Two forward slashes (//) enable the programmer to comment one line only. If a multiple line comment is desired, CFScript provides support for Java, C, and JavaScript-style comment blocks. The block begins with /* and ends with */, as shown in the following code:

//This is a one-line comment /* This is a multiline comment block */
