As you work with entering tasks in your project, you will find that you need to reorder some of them. This lesson covers how to move and copy tasks, commands you may find useful when working with tasks in your project.
Click the task ID of the task you want to move.
Once the task is selected, you can move it to a new location in the list. To rearrange the order of tasks, it's easiest to move them by clicking and dragging.
Click and drag the task to the end of the list.
A gray line indicates where the task is being moved, as shown in Figure 2-18.
You can also copy tasks in the project.
Click the task ID of the task you want to copy.
Once the task is selected, you can copy it.
Select Edit The task has been copied and placed on the clipboard.
Now let's insert the copied task.
Click the task ID where you want to paste the copied task.
The copied task will be inserted above the selected task.
Select Edit The copied task is pasted above the selected task.