Talk Your Way to the Top: How to Address Any Audience Like Your Career Depends On It



of speaker, in speaker introduction, 179, 181

in viewpoint presentation format, 35–36

Bad news delivery, 125–134

emotions, 133

format for, 129–131

hope for future, 128–129

key dos and don’ts, 133–134

preparation for delivery, 127–128

reasons for situation, 129

speech creation, 131–133

timing, 126–127

trust, 126–129

Baron, Eric, 30

Beginning presentation

body language, 14

for business lunch, in the office, 74–75

grabbing audience interest, 29–30

Benefits to audience, 80, 85–86, 88–89

Bisodol brand example, 101–113

Body language

beginning your speech, 14

defensive behaviors, 14–16

Eye-Brain Control, 15–16

eye contact for high visibility speaking, 95

posture, 17–18, 19, 58

quieting persistent questioning, 67

visual impact, 17–19

(See also Hands)

Boffey, Dave, 102, 107, 109

Book of Lists, 5

Boss briefing (See Brief the boss)

Boss disagreements (See Disagreement formats)

Breakfast meetings, 76–77

Brief the boss, 115–123

the briefing and lessons learned, 116–120

format for, 121–122

key dos and don’ts, 123

steps for, 121

Brown, General, 166–172

Bryan, William Jennings, 5

Business lunch orchestration, 69–78

acoustics, 70–71

alcohol consumption, 76

beginning in the office, 74–75

breakfast meetings, 76–77

food, 73

ice breaker, 77

key dos and don’ts, 77–78

lunch as business tool, 70–75

payment choices, 75–77

restaurant considerations, 74

space, 71–72

timing, 74–75

Business lunch speaking, 39–49

enthusiastic ending, 48

format of talk, 42–47

headlines, 47–48

key dos and don’ts, 48–49

length of talk, 41–42

memorability, 47

microphone, 40–41

setting, 40

story telling, 42–47

visuals and lighting, 41

Byrne, Ken, 105
