Talk Your Way to the Top: How to Address Any Audience Like Your Career Depends On It


Dale Carnegie training course, 4–5

Daley, Arthur, 1–4

Decision to overcome fear, 7–9

Defensive behaviors, 14–16

Demonstration steps, 110–112

Details in anecdotes, 202–204

Disagreement formats, 149–159

appeal to common goals, 155–156

emotional reactions, 151–152

example, 149–151

getting boss to listen, 152–158

key dos and don’ts, 158–159

key questions for understanding, 153–154, 156–157

open question to gauge reaction, 155, 158

paraphrase understanding, 154, 157

thank boss for listening, 155, 158

tie back, 154–155, 157–158

Discussion in viewpoint presentation format, 35, 37

Disraeli, Benjamin, 5
