Talk Your Way to the Top: How to Address Any Audience Like Your Career Depends On It


Educational background of speaker, to introduce speaker, 179, 181

Einstein, Albert, 143–144

Emcee format, 178–186

anecdote as key, 182–184

information gathering, 180

interviewing the speaker, 184–185

length of introduction, 185–186

organization of introduction, 179–180

tell speaker what you will say, 180–179

transition to speaker, 182


audience connection, 54–55

bad news delivery format, 133

empathy in bad news delivery format, 129, 130, 131

in inspirational speaking, 205

(See also Fear of public speaking)

Empathy in bad news delivery format, 129, 130, 131


enthusiastic, 48

on time, 146–147

Energy dispersion, 16, 18

Events (See Emcee format; Presentation speaking)


forms of, 86–87

in on-the-spot format, 96, 97–98

PAJES “pages” mnemonic, 21–24, 86–87

selling your ideas, 80, 86–87

in viewpoint presentation format, 35, 36

Exaggeration, in visual aids, 33

Examples in PAJES evidence, 22–23, 87

Eye-Brain Control, 15–16

Eye contact for high visibility speaking, 95
