Core Techniques and Algorithms in Game Programming2003
[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] tables 2nd hash tables 2nd 3rd 4th multi-key tables 2nd 3rd tactical AI 2nd group dynamics boids algorithm 2nd 3rd 4th 5th formation-based movement 2nd influence maps (IMs) 2nd data structure 2nd 3rd tests for 2nd path finding 2nd A* algorithm 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th crash and turn algorithm 2nd 3rd 4th Dijkstra's algorithm 2nd 3rd 4th human path finding algorithm 2nd iterative-deepening A* algorithm 2nd region-based A* algorithm 2nd rule representation 2nd 3rd tagged animation 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Taito history of game programming taking cover. [See hiding behaviors] target selection camera placement algorithms 2nd TC method TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 2nd 3rd TCP clients 2nd call sequences closing sockets connection process 2nd 3rd data transfer process 2nd TCP servers 2nd 3rd 4th multiclient servers 2nd concurrent servers 2nd 3rd 4th iterative servers 2nd TCP/IP 2nd TDPS (Trihedral Discretized Polyhedra Simplification) teamwork. [See synchronization of AI systems] technical support. [See also maintenance phase (game programming)] technology ideas based on Tekken clipping process temporal coherence (continuous LOD policies) Tennis for two history of game programming Terragen cloud rendering terrain blocks (geomipmapping) terrain rendering. [See outdoors rendering] tests for influence maps (IMs) 2nd Tetris game world rendering history of game programming player update routines presentation programming Texas Instruments history of game programming texture bottlenecks 2nd 3rd 4th texture mapping 2nd shaders 2nd 3rd 4th texture mapping. [See textures]2nd [See textures] texture matrix (OpenGL) textures 3D pipelines 2nd 3rd animating blending 2nd 3rd 4th 5th arithmetic for 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th bump mapping 2nd Dot3 bump mapping 2nd emboss bump mapping 2nd chunk LODs cylindrical mapping 2nd decals detail textures 2nd Direct3D 2nd environment mapping 2nd filtering 2nd mipmapping 2nd 3rd geomipmapping 2nd 3rd 4th 5th gloss mapping 2nd 3rd light mapping. [See light mapping] memory usage caching and paging 2nd color reduction 2nd 3rd compression 2nd multipass rendering techniques 2nd 3rd 4th 5th multitexturing 2nd OpenGL 2nd 3rd 4th 5th procedural textures shaders 2nd 3rd 4th shadow mapping 2nd 3rd 4th 5th spherical mapping 2nd texture mapping 2nd shaders 2nd 3rd 4th tiling 2nd triangle mapping 2nd 3rd 4th types of 2nd The Getaway facial animation The Legend of Zelda history of game programming memory requirements player update routines The Lion King boids algorithm The Lord of the Rings composite design pattern The Lord of the Rings (film) blending inverse kinematics and forward kinematics The Sims content creation tools The Two Towers camera styles things (lump type) in Doom third-person cameras 2nd 3rd 4th 5th tile table (mapped games) tile tables (TT) format of tiles 2nd number of tiles 2nd tiles format of 2nd memory requirements formula number of 2nd tiling textures 2nd time-varying parameters rendering particles timing routines (performance tuning) 2nd 3rd Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation history of game programming Tomb Raider forward kinematics quaternions third-person cameras Torrance-Sparrow-Cook model tournament fitness testing tracking shooters (shooting behaviors) 2nd 3rd traffic light example (palette rotation effects) 2nd 3rd transferring data. [See data transfer process] transform stage (3D pipelines) 2nd transformation shaders (Renderman) transformations OpenGL 2nd 3rd 4th concatenation of 2nd hierarchical transforms 2nd transforms Direct3D 2nd hierarchical transforms of matrices concatenation of 2nd transitions (graphs) translation of matrices 2nd translation matrix (OpenGL) transmission (light). [See refraction] Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 2nd 3rd transparency 2D game programming 2nd 3rd 3D pipelines 2nd of water 2nd OpenGL RGBA mode 2nd 3rd with glenzing effects 2nd with stippling effects 2nd 3rd transposition of matrices traversal operations (trees) 2nd 3rd Tread Marks ROAM algorithm Trebilco, Damian fire generator trees 2nd binary trees 2nd 3rd ordered binary trees N-ary trees 2nd quadtrees and octrees 2nd 3rd rendering 2nd Image-Based Rendering (IBR) 2nd Orthogonal IBR method 2nd 3rd 4th Parallel IBR method 2nd 3rd 4th with billboards 2nd 3rd 4th traversal operations 2nd 3rd tries 2nd 3rd 4th triangle clipping 2nd triangle indexing. [See indexed primitives] triangle reduction algorithms 2nd edge collapsing 2nd nonconservative triangle reduction 2nd 3rd progressive meshes 2nd 3rd vertex collapsing 2nd 3rd triangle splitting BSP construction 2nd 3rd triangle strips triangle texture mapping 2nd 3rd 4th triangles discarding OpenGL performance tuning point-triangle set collision tests 2nd ray-triangle intersection test 2nd 3rd ray-triangle intersection tests 2nd triangle reduction algorithms 2nd edge collapsing 2nd nonconservative triangle reduction 2nd 3rd progressive meshes 2nd 3rd vertex collapsing 2nd 3rd tries 2nd 3rd 4th trigonometric functions on older hardware 2nd trigonometry review of formulas 2nd 3rd Trihedral Discretized Polyhedra Simplification (TDPS) trilinear texture filtering Trubshaw, Roy history of game programming true-color sprites TT. [See tile tables] tuning performance. [See performance tuning] twin-threaded approach (real-time software loops) 2nd 3rd two-color sprites two-dimensional game programming. [See 2D game programming] two-way scrollers. [See scrolling games] types. [See data types] |