Core Techniques and Algorithms in Game Programming2003

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

VAOs (vertex array object) 

variable-duration AI testing 


    ROAM  2nd  3rd 

VARs (vertex array range)  2nd 

VAs.  [See vertex arrays]

VBOs (vertex buffer object)  2nd 

vector math

    review of formulas 

        cross product  2nd 

        dot product  2nd 


VectorC (code profiler)  2nd 

vectors (STL containers)  2nd 


    and prop handling (character animation) 


    handling in first-person shooters  2nd 

    particle systems 

vertex array object (VAOs) 

vertex array range (VARs)  2nd 

vertex arrays 

    OpenGL  2nd 

        compiled vertex arrays 

        regular vertex arrays  2nd 

        server-side vertex arrays  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th 

vertex buffer object (VBOs)  2nd 

vertex buffers 

vertex buffers (Direct3D)


    performance tuning  2nd 

vertex collapsing algorithms  2nd  3rd 

vertex shaders  2nd 


    lighting  2nd 

    special effects 

    texture mapping 

vertex splits 

vertex-based facial animation  2nd 

vertices  2nd 

    in Doom 

vertices.  [See also primitives]

VGA color

    history of game programming 

video cards

    hardware-assisted occlusion testing  2nd  3rd 

video game programming.  [See game programming]

view angle selection

    camera placement algorithms  2nd 

view-dependent sorting

    BSP trees  2nd  3rd 

virtual classes

    pure virtual classes 

viscous drag

    particle systems 

visibility processing

    with leafy-BSPs 

visual parameters

    for particles 

volume rendering

    grass  2nd  3rd 

volume shaders (Renderman) 

volume textures 

volumetric cloud systems

    cloud rendering  2nd 

VTune (code profiler)  2nd 
