Core Techniques and Algorithms in Game Programming2003

Another interesting behavior in any action AI system is patrolling. Policemen, dogs, and many other in-game characters patrol a predefined area, sometimes engaging in combat when an enemy is discovered.

To implement a patrolling behavior, we have to store a set of waypoints that will determine the path followed by the AI. These waypoints can be followed in two configurations: cyclic and ping-pong. Given waypoints W1…W5, here are the visit sequences for both schemes:

Cyclic: W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 …

Ping-pong: W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W4 W3 W2 W1 W2 …

I recommend using the cyclic approach because ping-pong trajectories can be expressed as cycles (explicitly adding the way-back), whereas the opposite is not true. Following a waypoint is not very different from a chase behavior. It is just a chase where we follow a sequence of targets. The easiest way to implement this is through a minimal, two-state finite-state machine. The first state is used to advance toward the next waypoint (represented internally by an integer). Then, as we approach closer to a predefined threshold, we move to the second state. This is a nonpersistent state, where the integer used to represent the next waypoint is updated. We then go back to the first state, follow the waypoint, and so on.

Patrol behaviors (depicted in Figure 7.5) can often be enhanced by adding a third state, which implements a chase behavior. This is usually triggered by using a view cone for the AI, testing whether the player actually entered the cone (and was thus discovered by the AI). Games such as Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines made good use of this technique.

Figure 7.5. A patrolling AI, surrounding two buildings.
