Dimensional Data Warehousing with MySQL: A Tutorial
While the preceding queries have dimensional constraints (the selection of facts is based on dimensions), an inside out dimensional query selects the facts based on one or more measure values. In other words, your query starts from the fact (the centre of the star schema) towards the dimensions, hence the name inside-out query. The following two examples are inside-out dimensional queries.
Product Performer
The dimensional query in Listing 4.6 gives you the sales orders of products that have a monthly sales amount of 75,000 or more.
Listing 4.6: Inside-out - Monthly Product Performer
/*****************************************************************/ /* */ /* monthly_product_performer.sql */ /* */ /*****************************************************************/ USE dw; SELECT month_name , year , product_name , SUM (order_amount) , COUNT(*) FROM sales_order_fact a , product_dim b , date_dim c WHERE a.product_sk = b.product_sk AND a.order_date_sk = c.date_sk GROUP BY month_name , year , product_name HAVING SUM (order_amount) >= 75000 ORDER BY month , year , product_name ; /* end of script */
Run the script using this command.
mysql> \. c:\mysql\scripts\monthly_product_performer.sql
Here is the result of the query:
Database changed +------------+------+------------+-------------------+----------+ | month_name | year |product_name| SUM (order_amount)| COUNT(*) | +------------+------+------------+-------------------+----------+ | November | 2007 | LCD Panel | 75000.00| 2 | +------------+------+------------+-------------------+----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
The query output shows the total order amounts (sum) and the number of orders (count) for LCD Panel, the only product that has a total order amount that is equal to or greater than 75000.
Loyal Customer
The query in Listing 4.7 is a more complex inside out query than the one in Listing 4.6. If your users would like to know which customer(s) placed more than five orders annually in the past eighteen months, you can use the query in Listing 4.7. This query shows that even for such a complex query, you can still use a dimensional query.
Listing 4.7: Inside-out (loyal customer)
/*****************************************************************/ /* */ /* loyal_customer.sql */ /* */ /*****************************************************************/ USE dw; SELECT customer_number , year , COUNT(*) FROM sales_order_fact a , customer_dim b , date_dim c WHERE a.customer_sk = b.customer_sk AND a.order_date_sk = c.date_sk GROUP BY customer_number , year HAVING COUNT(*) > 3 AND (12 - MONTH (MAX (date))) < 7 ; /* end of script */
Run the script using this command.
mysql> \. c:\mysql\scripts\loyal_customer.sql
Here is the output of the query:
Database changed +-----------------+------+----------+ | customer_number | year | COUNT(*) | +-----------------+------+----------+ | 1 | 2007 | 4 | +-----------------+------+----------+ 1 row in set (0.02 sec)
The query result shows the number of orders (count) from customer_number 1, the only customer that meets the above selection criteria.