Java Cookbook, Second Edition
You want to set up a serial port and open it for input/output. Solution
Use a CommPortIdentifier 's open( ) method to get a SerialPort object. Discussion
Now you've picked your serial port, but it's not yet ready to go. Baud rate. Parity. Stop bits. These things have been the bane of many a programmer's life. Having needed to work out the details of setting them on many platforms over the years, including CP/M systems, IBM PCs, and IBM System/370 mainframes, I can report that it's no fun. Finally, Java has provided a portable interface for setting all these parameters. The steps in setting up and opening a serial port are as follows:
You are then ready to read and write on the serial port. Example 12-2 is code that implements all these steps for a serial port. Some of this code is for parallel ports, which we'll discuss in Recipe 12.3. Example 12-2.
import java.awt.*; import*; import javax.comm.*; import java.util.*; /** * Open a serial port using Java Communications. * */ public class CommPortOpen { /** How long to wait for the open to finish up. */ public static final int TIMEOUTSECONDS = 30; /** The baud rate to use. */ public static final int BAUD = 9600; /** The parent Frame, for the chooser. */ protected Frame parent; /** The input stream */ protected DataInputStream is; /** The output stream */ protected PrintStream os; /** The chosen Port Identifier */ CommPortIdentifier thePortID; /** The chosen Port itself */ CommPort thePort; public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException, NoSuchPortException, PortInUseException, UnsupportedCommOperationException { new CommPortOpen(null).converse( ); System.exit(0); } /* Constructor */ public CommPortOpen(Frame f) throws IOException, NoSuchPortException, PortInUseException, UnsupportedCommOperationException { // Use the PortChooser from before. Pop up the JDialog. PortChooser chooser = new PortChooser(null); String portName = null; do { chooser.setVisible(true); // Dialog done. Get the port name. portName = chooser.getSelectedName( ); if (portName == null) System.out.println("No port selected. Try again.\n"); } while (portName == null); // Get the CommPortIdentifier. thePortID = chooser.getSelectedIdentifier( ); // Now actually open the port. // This form of openPort takes an Application Name and a timeout. // System.out.println("Trying to open " + thePortID.getName( ) + "..."); switch (thePortID.getPortType( )) { case CommPortIdentifier.PORT_SERIAL: thePort ="DarwinSys DataComm", TIMEOUTSECONDS * 1000); SerialPort myPort = (SerialPort) thePort; // set up the serial port myPort.setSerialPortParams(BAUD, SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE); break; case CommPortIdentifier.PORT_PARALLEL: thePort ="DarwinSys Printing", TIMEOUTSECONDS * 1000); ParallelPort pPort = (ParallelPort)thePort; // Tell API to pick "best available mode" - can fail! // myPort.setMode(ParallelPort.LPT_MODE_ANY); // Print what the mode is int mode = pPort.getMode( ); switch (mode) { case ParallelPort.LPT_MODE_ECP: System.out.println("Mode is: ECP"); break; case ParallelPort.LPT_MODE_EPP: System.out.println("Mode is: EPP"); break; case ParallelPort.LPT_MODE_NIBBLE: System.out.println("Mode is: Nibble Mode."); break; case ParallelPort.LPT_MODE_PS2: System.out.println("Mode is: Byte mode."); break; case ParallelPort.LPT_MODE_SPP: System.out.println("Mode is: Compatibility mode."); break; // ParallelPort.LPT_MODE_ANY is a "set only" mode; // tells the API to pick "best mode"; will report the // actual mode it selected. default: throw new IllegalStateException ("Parallel mode " + mode + " invalid."); } break; default: // Neither parallel nor serial?? throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown port type " + thePortID); } // Get the input and output streams // Printers can be write-only try { is = new DataInputStream(thePort.getInputStream( )); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Can't open input stream: write-only"); is = null; } os = new PrintStream(thePort.getOutputStream( ), true); } /** This method will be overridden by nontrivial subclasses * to hold a conversation. */ protected void converse( ) throws IOException { System.out.println("Ready to read and write port."); // Input/Output code not written -- must subclass. // Finally, clean up. if (is != null) is.close( ); os.close( ); } } As noted in the comments, this class contains a dummy version of the converse method. In following sections we'll expand on the input/output processing by subclassing and overriding this method. |