Java Cookbook, Second Edition


[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

named inner class 


    American-style, Soundex program for comparing 

    extracting from XML file with SAX 

    InetAddress, getting 


    sorting using TreeSet 

    threads, conventions for 

Naming interface 

    binding lookup name to server object instance 

NaN (Not a Number) 

    equality comparisons and 

nanoTime( ) (System) 

native code (C/C++) 

    calling from Java 

        steps in process 

    calling Java from 

    Java mechanism for 

native keyword 

native methods  [See also methods; native code]

    clone( ) 

native-language Java launcher for Mac OS 

native2ascii tool 

natural ordering (classes implementing Comparable) 

negate( )

    BigDecimal class 

    BigInteger class 

negative values (hash code) 


NetATalk (Appletalk File System for Unix) 

NetBeans IDE 

    GUI builder 

NetLogServer class (example) 

NetLogSimple class (example) 

Netscape browsers 

    applet working in, using Java Plug-in 

    running Windows or Unix version from Java 

    Swing GUI, lacking support for 

netscape.javascript package 

network addresses 

    finding and reporting 

network byte-ordering macros 

network clients  [See clients]

Network File System (NFS) 

network interface 

network loggers 

    JDK 1.4 


networking (sockets), package 

NetworkInterface class 

networks  [See also clients; servers]


    security, server-side 

New I/O (NIO) package  [See under input/output]

new keyword 

newAudioClip( ) 

newInstance( )  2nd 

newlines  [See \n]

next( ) (Iterator)  2nd 

nextBoolean( ) (Random) 

nextBytes (Random) 

nextDouble( ) (Random) 

nextFloat( ) (Random) 

nextGaussian( ) (Random) 

nextInt( ) (Random) 

nextkey( ) 

nextLong( ) (Random) 

nextToken( ) (StringTokenizer) 

NIO (New I/O) package  [See New I/O package, under input/output]

Node interface 

nodes (JTree) 

non-core APIs 

non-greedy multipliers 



notify( ), synchronizing threads 

notifyAll( ), synchronizing threads 

ntohl (32 bits), byte-order macro 

null device, discarding output with 

null fields, preserving in string tokenization 

null values

    ParsePosition, indicating failure 

    returned by equals( )  2nd 

NullPointerException  2nd 

Number class  [See also numbers]

    subclasses of 

NumberFormat class  2nd 



    checking string for integer or floating-point number 

    complex, working with 

    converting between objects 

    converting to strings 

    digits, matching in regular expressions 


        comparing for equality 

        ensuring accuracy of 


    formatting  2nd  [See also dates and times; internationalization; localization]

        correct plurals 

        for locales 


        converting between binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal 

        operating on series of 

    Java numeric data types 

    large, handling 

    logarithms, taking 

    multiplying by fraction without using floating point 

    multiplying matrices 

    palindromes of 



        generating better 

    Roman numerals, working with 

    storing larger data type in smaller type 

    string, checking if valid number 

    temperatures, converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit 

    trigonometric functions, calculating 

numeric expression 

numeric IP address 

NumFormatTest program (example) 

NumSeries class (example), operating on integer series 

