Java Cookbook, Second Edition


[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

Object class

    clone( ), overriding 

    toString( ) 

object serialization 

    DBM database 

    JDO, using 

    RMI and 

    saving and restoring serialized objects 

object wrappers  [See also wrapper classes]2nd 

OBJECT, imbedding keyword in HTML 

object-oriented design (OOD)  [See also design patterns]

    books about 

object-oriented programming

    CORBA IIOP, interoperability among languages 

    Java techniques 

        API, importance of using 

        aplication-specific exceptions, writing 

        callbacks, providing via interfaces 

        clone( ), overriding and implementing your own 

        comparing class objects 

        design patterns, standard API 

        finalize( ) 

        generality vs. application specificitity 

        hashCode( ), overriding and implementing your own 

        inner classes, using 

        Javadoc, importance of 

        passing values 

        plotter program (example) 

        polymorphism/abstract methods 

        printing object formatting with toString( ) 

        Singleton pattern, enforcing 

        subclassing and delegation 

ObjectInputStream class  2nd 

ObjectOutputStream class  2nd  3rd 


    adding to/removing from stacks 

    arrays of 

    class, getting Class object for 

    containing code, synchronizing 

    converting to/from byte arrays 

    converting to/from numbers 

    converting to/from object wrappers and primitives with autoboxing 

    converting to/from primitives and vice versa 

    finding in collections 

    hash codes for 

    Java strings as 

    keeping in order (TreeSet) 

    monitor locking 

    passing as parameter or return value of remote methods 

    proxy, references to 

    references to

        comparing for equality 

        mapping with HashMap or Hashtable 

    removing from service 

    returning with socket-based servers 

    synchronization target, using as  2nd 

Observable class  2nd 

octals, converting integers to 

ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) 

    JDBC-ODBC bridge 

OOD  [See design patterns object-oriented design]

Open Office save file format 

open source software

    CollabNet web site 

    Eclipse IDE 

    Java, web sites for distribution 

    JDK source code 


    licensing, understanding 

    NetBeans IDE 

    Unix servers 

open( ) (CommPortIdentifier)  2nd  3rd 

OpenBSD  2nd 

openConnection( ) (URL) 

opening files (by name) 

openStream( ) (URL) 

operating systems

    code dependent on, writing 

        filename separators and 

    default locales for 

    determining current 

    Java Plug-in, versions for 

    jikes compiler, downloading and installing 


    native code compilers for 

    network applications, differences in 

    null device, discarding output with 

    read( ) system call 

    system internals or filesystem design 

    system properties and 


    time command 


    extracting from input stream 


optimization, inline code generation 

optional methods 

options, command line  [See command line]

Oracle database 

ordering data 

ordinaryCharacter( ) (StringTokenizer) package 

org.w3c.dom package 

output  [See input/output]

OutputStreamWriter class 

    specifying character encoding 

overloading methods

    getInstance( ), formatting service classses 

    join( ) 

    substring( ) 

overloading operators 

Overrides annotation 

overriding methods

    clone( ) (Object) 

    equals( ) 

    hashCode( ) 

    paintComponent( ) 

    toString( ) 

    windowClosing( ) 

ownership of ports, resolving conflicts in 

