Java Cookbook, Second Edition


[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

R statistics package 

Random class 

random numbers 



    pseudo- vs. real randomness 

    SecureRandom class 

random( ) (Math) 

RandomAccessFile class 

ranges of numbers, continuous and discontinuous 

raw type (unchecked), warnings about 

read( ) (Reader)  2nd 

read( ) system call 

read-only files and directories 

Readable interface 

readerAsString( ) (FileIO) 

ReaderIter class 


    bridging to streams 

    BufferedReader class  2nd  3rd 

        database access 

        socket input stream, creating from 

    FileReader class 

    InputStreamReader class  2nd  3rd 

    Reader class 

    XMLReaderFactory class 

readerToString( ) (FileIO), example class method 

ReadGZIP class (example) 


    binary data 

        with network client 

    continued lines 

    different character set 


        JavaMail Store, using 

        MailReaderBean program (example) 

    file content into a string package 

    from particular location in file 

    serialized object data with network client 

    standard input 

    text files 

    textual data with network client 

readInt( ) (DataInputStream) 

readLine( ) 

    BufferedReader class  2nd 

    combining with StringTokenizer 

    end-of-line characters, avoiding 

    platform-independent code 

readLock( ) (ReadWriteLock) 

ReadRandom class (example) 

ReadTag class (example) 

ReadWriteLock interface 

real numbers 

rebind( ) (Naming) 

Rect(angle), Arc, Ellipse, and Polygon, drawing methods for 


    listing filesystem entries in directories 

redirection and/or piping 


    code examples from this book 



        in arrays 

        class, finding for given method 


        comparing for equality 

        mapping with HashMap or Hashtable 

    to proxy objects, getting 

    to StringBuilder, returning 

reflection  2nd  [See also introspection]

    class fields and methods

        finding and using 

        getting information about 

        printing information about 

    cross-reference for Java API, printing 

    loading Applet subclass 

        AppletAdaper class (example) 

        AppletViewer class (main program) 

    reading of annotations at runtime 

regexes  [See regular expressions]


    JDBC drivers 


    RMI server instance with lookup service 

registry, RMI 

    client stubs, sending with 

regular expressions (and pattern matching) 

    accented or composite characters, matching 

    case, controlling in 

    data mining program 

    extracting words or operators from input stream 

    finding text that matched 

    grep program, pattern matching with 

    Java code, using in 

        steps for regex matching in production program 

    Java packages for 

    lexical structure of input, specifying 

    multiline, sam text editor 

    newlines, matching in text 

    numbers, working with 

    parsing Apache log file 

    parsing CSV data with 

        CSVRE (example) 

    printing all occurrences of a pattern 

    printing lines containing a pattern 

    REDemo program (example) 

    replacing matched text 

    replacing StringTokenizer with 

    syntax of 


    writing full grep program 

relational databases 

    DBM files vs. 

    SQL (Structured Query Language) 

    text file (User database), converting to 

reloading applets in browsers 

RemCat class (TFTP UDP client example) 

ReminderService class (example) 

remote interfaces  2nd 

Remote Method Invocation  [See RMI]

remote objects 

remote procedure call (RPC) 

    CORBA, interoperability among languages 

remotely controlled building management system (example) 

remove( ) (Iterator) 

removeLayoutComponent( ) (LayoutManager) 

renameTo( ) (File) 

rendezvous socket (C-based server) 

rendezvous, threads 

    Join class (example) 

repeatability, hashCode( ) 

replace( ) (StringBuilder) 

replaceAll( ) 

replacing matching text (regular expressions) 

resource bundles

    configuring user interface controls from 

    creating for internationalization 

    dialog, internationalizing with 

    getting file for named 

    GUI controls or user interface text 

    menu items, getting 

    MessageFormatDemo class (example) 

ResourceBundle class, getBundle( ) 

resources, storing for applets in JAR file 

result sets, JDBC queries  2nd 


    changing data with 

    retrieving elements from 

ResultsDecorator and ResultsDecoratorText class (example) 

ResultSet interface

    getResultSetMetaData( ) 

    RowSet subinterface 

ResultSetMetadata class 

ResultSetUpdate program (example) 

resume( )/suspend( ) (Thread), deprecated methods 

reusability of code  [See code reusability]

reverse order, numbers reading the same in 

reverse( ) (StringBuilder)  2nd 

RGB (red, green, and blue) mode, for colors 

right-aligned strings 

RMI (Remote Method Invocation) 


        stock ticker service 

    client, writing 

    client/server communication, defining 

        lookup names 

        remote interfaces 

    deploying across network 

    IIOP, using over 

        web site information on 

    NetWatch program (example) 

        NetPanel class 

        RMIPanel class 

    registry program 




    steps in 

RMI Security Manager 

rmic (RMI compiler) 

roll( ) 

Roman numerals 

    RomanNumberFormat class (example) 

    RomanYear program (example) 

root directories 

    Windows systems, UNC filenames 

round( ) (Math) 

rounding numbers

    errors in  2nd 

    floating-point to integer or a particular precision 


RowSet interface 

RPC (remote procedure call)  2nd 

run( )

    background thread, using to save userÕs work 

    Item class 

    reader-writer thread locks and 

    Runnable interface 

    Thread class  2nd  3rd 

runFinalizersOnExit( ) (System) 

Runnable interface  2nd 

    implementing (ThreadsDemo2) 

    implementing with inner class

        Join class (example) 

        ThreadsDemo3 (example) 

running Java programs


    debugging statements, enabling at runtime 

    Japhar freeware package 

    JDK, java command 

Runtime class 

    as example of Singleton 

    exec( ), replacement by ProcessBuilder 

    running external programs with exec( ) methods 

runtime environment  2nd  [See also environment, program interaction with]

    CLASSPATH, use of 

    command-line arguments, parsing 

RuntimeException class, subclassing 

