Monitoring and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (HP Technologies)
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CA. See Connection agreement
Capacity management, 23, 31, 38
Capacity planning reports, 550
Categorization agent, 192
Centralized management model, 51
Change control reports, 76
Change Domain Controller window, 82
Change management, 20–21, 38
Changing quadrant, 29–30
Child domain, 104
Chunking, 193
Circular logging, 175
Client build documentation, 44
Client-side filters, 464–465
Clone, 400, 402
Cluster, 176–177
Cluster-aware ESM, 7
Cluster failover time, 6–7
Cluster.exe, 551
Commercial client-side filter, 464–465
Commercial server-side filter, 450–451
Communication with users, 40
Components folder, 526
Computer groups, 529–530
Computer viruses, 431–434, 510–511
ConfigCA. See Configuration Connection Agreement
Configuration Connection Agreement (ConfigCA), 135
Configuration group, 522–523
Configuration management, 21, 38
Configuration naming contexts, 129
Configuration snap-in, 526–528
Connecting routing groups, 199–202
Connection agreement (CA), 133–134
Advanced tab, 147–148
ConfigCA, 134–135
Connections tab, 141–143
creation, 140–149
Deletion tab, 146–147
Details tab, 148–149
From Exchange tab, 144–145
From Windows tab, 145–146
General tab, 140–141
Schedule tab, 143–144
Connection filter rule, 206–211
Connection Filtering Rule dialog box, 207
Connector servers, 152
Consolidated queue viewer, 6
Consolidator, 519, 527–528
Content filtering, 432
Contiguous DNS namespace, 104
Contingency planning, 24
Copy backup, 384
Corporate intranet, 77
Corporate messaging architects, 52–53
disk space utilization, 508
key resources, 497–500
logical disk, 498
memory, 498
message processing, 500–502
message system usage, 502–504
messaging system utilization, 508
network interface, 500
paging file, 498–499
physical disk, 499
process, 499
processor, 499
system resource availability, 507
troubleshooting, 504–506
types, 497
CPU usage, 541
CPU utilization thresholds, 476
Custom Address List, 341–342, 344–353
Custom notification application, 484
Custom recipients, 262
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