Monitoring and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (HP Technologies)

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Sacrificial e-mail account, 451

Safe lists, 6

Schedule Job dialog box, 392

Schedule Job Options dialog box, 391, 396

Scheduled Tasks dialog box, 398

Schema, 120–125

Schema Manager MMC console, 122–124

Schema naming context, 130

Schema object attributes, 125

Script Notification Properties window, 484

Scrubbing current e-mail environment, 320

Security administration, 30

Security cluster, 35

Security enhancements, 4

Security group, 295

Send Queue Size, 500, 501

Sender filter rule, 205–206, 211–212

Server, 45–46

Server availability report, 548

Server build documentation, 43

Server configuration and security, 545

Server Configuration and Security Monitoring, 540

Server configuration report, 548

Server connection documentation, 43

Server heartbeat, 537, 563–564

Server performance thresholds, 540–541

Server policy, 64–65

Server resource utilization, 547

Server-side filter, 450–451

Service continuity management, 31, 38

Service cost effectiveness, 41

Service delivery, 23–25

Service desk, 20, 31

Service dialog box, 163

Service level agreement (SLA) compliance, 508–509

Service level agreement compliance reports, 75–76

Service level agreement, 44

Service level management, 24–25, 31, 39

Service monitoring and control, 30

Service Resource Records (RFC 2052), 126

Service start event numbers, 164

Service stop event numbers, 166

Service support, 20–23

Services dialog box, 478–479

showInAddressBook, 366

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 61, 191–259

Advanced Queueing Engine message flow, 196–198

applying message filters, 213, 214

connecting routing groups, 199–202

connector. See SMTP Connector


extended, 192

folders, 196

global parameters, 203–213. See also Message Delivery

inbound messages/messages from Internet clients, 195–196

junk e-mail, 440–441

log files, 221–222, 257–259

managing queues/messages in queues, 243–255

message filter. See Message filters

message flow, 194–198

mixed Exchange 5.5/Exchange 2003 environments, 202–203

modifying virtual server parameters, 220

outbound messages (MAPI clients), 195

per-domain parameters, 213–218

Routing Group Connector. See Routing Group Connector

tracking messages, 256–259

viewing link status, 242–243

virtual server. See SMTP virtual server

Site Replication Service, 135

Sites, 115–116

SLA. See Service level agreement

SLA compliance, 508–509

SLA compliance reports, 75–76

SLA review, 28, 31

SMTP. See Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SMTP Connector, 200–201

Address Space tab, 238–240

Advanced tab, 237–238

Connected Routing Groups tab, 240–241

Content Restrictions tab, 234–235

create, 233–242

Delivery Options tab, 235–236

Delivery Restrictions tab, 241–242

Details tab, 238

General tab, 233–234

SMTP folders, 196

SMTP Internet Protocol Restriction and Accept/Deny List Configuration, 93

SMTP queue thresholds, 477–478

SMTP Remote Queues Thresholds, 541

SMTP Server, 502, 504, 505–506

SMTP virtual server, 194

Access tab, 222–224

authentication, 222, 227

create, 218–220

Delivery tab, 225–227

filtering, 213

General tab, 220–222

log files, 222

Message tab, 224–225

modify parameters, 220–227

Snap-in options window, 124

Snapshot, 400, 401

Software failures, 24

Spam. See Junk e-mail

Spotlight, 95

Spyware, 435

Staff motivation and pride, 41

Storage groups, 172–173, 177, 179–180

Storage Limits dialog box, 273

Storage management, 30

STORE, 499

Streaming (STM) files, 167–169

STM files. See Streaming (STM) files

String comparison, 421–422

Support cluster, 34

Support utilities, 92–94

Supporting quadrant, 30–31

Synchronizing directory data between forests, 131–132

System administration, 30

System health snapshots, 75

System policies, 63

System queues, 244–245

System resource availability counters, 507

System State backup, 429

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