Monitoring and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (HP Technologies)

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Mike Daugherty


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Daugherty, Mike. Monitoring and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003/Mike Daugherty. p. cm. ISBN 1-55558-302-4 1. Microsoft Exchange Server 2. Client/Server computing. I. Title. QA76.9.C55D3824 2004 005.7 ' 137682--dc22 2003068827

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No project succeeds on the efforts of one person, and this book could not have been written without help from many people. Some people actively helped, and some helped without even realizing they were doing it.

During my three decades as a software engineer, engineering manager, and consultant, I have had the privilege of meeting, working with, and being influenced by thousands of people. It would be impossible to personally thank everyone for their contributions, but I would like to acknowledge some of the people who played important roles in the development of this book. To them, I owe a debt of gratitude.

I am grateful to many people for their contributions to this book, but none moreso than those who have helped review the manuscript and offered astute and articulate commentary. I would like to thank Allen Curle, Henrik Damslund, Mark England, Glenn Harm, Ryan Koftan, Donald Livengood, and Joe Palermo for the time they spent reviewing the various drafts of the manuscript and providing excellent comments. Hewlett-Packard has hundreds of excellent messaging consultants, and Allen, Henrik, Mark, Glenn, Ryan, Donald, and Joe are some of the very best. They have helped many companies implement Exchange and, in doing so, have accumulated a considerable depth and breadth of practical knowledge about Exchange. Because of their expertise, their consulting services are always in high demand. I feel fortunate that they made the time to review the pages of this book.

Hewlett-Packard consultants have led projects for some of the world's largest Exchange implementations and freely share their experience in planning, designing, implementing, and supporting Exchange with the entire Hewlett-Packard consulting community so that all of our consultants have access to and benefit from the collective wisdom and experiences of the whole group. Although the words in this book are mine, the foundation for this book comes from the collective wisdom of Hewlett-Packard's consultants.

Finally, I would like to thank Tony Redmond for his continued support of my writing efforts.

Mike Daugherty October 2003

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