Monitoring and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (HP Technologies)

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If you have an e-mail address, you are probably familiar with unsolicited commercial e-mail-commonly known as 'junk e-mail' or 'spam.' Senders of junk e-mail send billions of unsolicited-and unwanted-e-mail messages each day. If you are fortunate enough to be on a relatively well-protected corporate e-mail system, you probably only receive a few spam messages each day. If you have an e-mail account with an Internet service provider who does not attempt to filter spam, you may be receiving hundreds of unwanted messages each day. An estimated 30% of the e-mail sent to Internet service provider mail accounts and 15% of e-mail sent to corporate mail accounts is junk e-mail. America Online reportedly blocks more than 2 billion junk e-mail messages each day, and the number is growing.

At one time, many people considered unsolicited commercial e-mail to be a minor annoyance. However, the rapid growth of junk e-mail, combined with the aggressive and unethical tactics used by senders of junk e-mail, has caused most people to reevaluate their opinions. The quantity of unsolicited commercial e-mail has reached the point where it threatens to outweigh the benefits of e-mail.

The financial cost for junk e-mail is real but often difficult to quantify. The cost generally falls into one of the following categories:

Although there is no universally accepted definition of spam, most people-would agree that spam is the electronic equivalent of junk mail-that is, it is unsolicited commercial e-mail that is sent indiscriminately to a large number of unsuspecting recipients. Some small number of people-mainly the perpetrators of spam-see no distinction between junk e-mail and other online marketing methods. However, there are clear differences between the online marketing practices of reputable businesses and the practices of the distributors of spam. Answers to the following questions help to separate reputable businesses from the distributors of junk e-mail.

How do they make money?

Reputable online marketing companies make money by selling their own products and services. Senders of junk e-mail make money by selling e-mail advertisements.

What is the content of their e-mail?

E-mail messages from reputable online marketing companies are advertisements for their own products and services. Spam messages are advertisements for products and services from other companies and individuals. Many of these marketing messages are for sexually explicit products, casinos, 'get rich quick' schemes, 'free' products, debt consolidation, low-cost financing, personal health products, and other deceptive messages with misleading subject lines. Although junk e-mail message content is often objectionable, the sheer number of messages is actually a bigger problem.

Do they hide their true identity?

Return addresses on e-mail from reputable online marketing companies almost always show their own company name. The return addresses on junk e-mail are almost always misleading. If it was easy to identify incoming messages as spam, recipients could easily filter the unwanted e-mail. Instead, junk e-mailers use a variety of techniques to disguise their identity.

How are recipient addresses added to their distribution list?

Reputable online marketing companies add recipients by asking for the user's e-mail address on an e-commerce website (e.g., product registration websites), trade show registration lists, and others. Senders of junk e-mail create their distribution lists using multiple mechanisms.

As you might suspect, shorter e-mail addresses (e.g., are more vulnerable than longer addresses (e.g., mike.daugherty@

Because brute force attacks are based on guesses, few of the messages will actually make their way to an active mailbox. However, the flood of delivered and nondelivered messages consumes considerable network bandwidth, and generating thousands of nondelivery notifications requires processing time. Even if an alert network manager detects the attack, some number of messages will likely be delivered before the network manager can block the attack.

Do recipients know they have been added to the distribution list?

By supplying an e-mail address to a reputable online marketing company, the user understands that the company will send information about the company's products and services. Most recipients of junk e-mail have no idea that their addresses have been harvested until they begin receiving junk e-mail.

Are the distribution lists sold or shared with others?

This registration process used by reputable online marketing companies often asks if the user would like to also receive information from the company's partners. Distributors of junk e-mail routinely sell their distribution lists to create an additional source of revenue.

How can the recipient be removed from the list?

The recipient can simply revisit the e-commerce website or send e-mail to reputable online marketing companies to be removed (or opt out) from their distribution list. Opting out from a junk e-mailer's distribution list is usually difficult and often impossible. Senders of junk e-mail usually use your attempts to be removed as verification that the e-mail address is valid. Instead of reducing the amount of junk e-mail, trying to be removed from a list actually increases the amount of junk e-mail that will be sent to you.

Does the company honor requests to be removed?

Reputable online marketing companies always honor requests to opt out. Senders of junk e-mail rarely honor such requests because it takes too much time. In fact, a request to be removed is validation that the e-mail address is legitimate. Because senders of junk e-mail get paid by the number of messages they deliver, they have little reason to remove an address.

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