Professional Team Foundation Server

Mac OS X communication, 381

macros, pregenerated team queries, 292

Maheshwari, Akash (Version Control blogger), 68

mail server, 6

maintenance plan, 124

managed process capability level, 156

managing team projects

described, 347

meetings, setting up, 350

members, working with

advocacy and ownership, 349–350

customers and process, 350

described, 348–349

Project Server integration, 375


logical groupings, setting up, 358–359

managing summary tasks, 356–358

naming and managing work items, 355–356

pivots to view work item summaries, 364–367

re-creating hierarchy in Microsoft Project, 359–361

Remaining Work and Completed Work fields, 363–364

time tracking and results roll-ups, 361–363

work item synchronization, 352–355

workflow setup, 351–352

test cases

automation, triggering test, 373–375

code analysis, 372

described, 367–371

generic tests, 372

load tests, 372

manual, 371

performance tests, 372

unit tests, 372

Web tests, 372

Manning, James (blogger about script and monitoring Team Foundation database jobs), 209

Manufacturing Maturity Model, Crosby's, 156

mapping files, manipulating, 362

Maraia, Vincent (The Build Master: Microsoft's Software Configuration Management Best Practices), 72

@me query, 292

measure, data warehouse field, 282

meetings, setting up, 350

memory requirements

Team Foundation Build, 16

Team Foundation Server, 15

Visual Studio 2005, 16

Mercury Loadrunner tests, 27


best practices, 335–336


best practices, 335–336

MSDN, 313

XML files, 180–181


build process at, 72

continuous integration, 85

loopback adapter for Virtual PC, 58

MSBee open-source initiative, 88

official Team Foundation Server installation guide, downloading, 34

Team-of-Teams approach, 393

Visual Studio developer types, 152

Microsoft Access, 257

Microsoft Excel

administration, 293–294

checklist of software, hardware, and necessary tasks, 8

Choose Team Project button, 352

as client component, 6

connecting to Team Foundation Server, 13

team portal, integrating, 257

Team Project areas and iterations, modifying, 196

work item

summaries, viewing with pivot tables, 364–367

tracking system, 275, 293–294

Microsoft FrontPage

MSF process guidance, 179

team portal, integrating, 257

Microsoft Groove 2007, 392

Microsoft India Development Center, 71

Microsoft Internet Explorer

enhanced security configurations, 59

username and password, entering, 265

Microsoft Office 2003, 257

Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF), 9

Microsoft Outlook

team communication, drawback of using, 379

team portal, integrating, 257

Microsoft Project

administration, 293–294

Choose Team Project button, 352

re-creating hierarchy in, 359–361

Team Foundation Server, connecting to, 13

topics covered by book, 6

work item migration, 458

Microsoft Project Server 2003 tracking, 24

Microsoft Services (UK) Enterprise SBF (Solutions Build Framework), 86

Microsoft Solutions Framework. See MSF

Microsoft Source Code Control Interface (MSSCCI) provider

extensibility, 341–343

for Visual Studio 6.0 and 2003, 6

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1), 17

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services

components, 270

Conchango Scrum Process Template, 176–177

described, 125

firewall modifications, 45

site, 396–397

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (SP2)

multiserver, 42–43

ProcessTemplate.xml, 171

single server, 48

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Team Portal

browser, viewing reports, 13

components, architecture of, 256–257


document template schema, 268–269

logo, adding new, 267–268

name, changing, 272

process, 265–267

SharePoint components, 270

site contents, 270

themes, applying new, 270–271

using browser, 269–272

work products, adding, 269

described, 255–256

extensibility and customization overview, 257

Microsoft Office 2003, 257

template, incorporating design into custom

integrating site template within process template, 273–274

portal customizations, verifying, 274

steps, 272–273

users, granting access to, 65

verifying installation, 46

Web Parts

architecture, 256

ASP.NET work item application, 259–262

creating, 258

existing components, adding, 270

integrating ASP.NET work item application, 263–265

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Targets file, 93


other assets to new project, 459

Team Foundation Server

benefits, 19

build script, 26

reporting, 26

testing tools, 26–27

version control, 68–69

work item tracking, 24–25, 70

version control, 20–24

Miller, Randy (Agile Software Development creator), 150, 351

MOF (Microsoft Operations Framework), 9

Mort (VB developer), 152

MSBee open-source initiative, 88

MSBuild, 72

MSBuild Tasks on, 86

MSDN forums

access problems, 117

branching and merging code, 313

data warehouse troubleshooting, 437

SharePoint site, using, 267

MSDN Online Help, 191

MSDN Subscriber Downloads, 28

MSF (Microsoft Solutions Framework)

Agile Software Development

areas, 153–154

described, 149–152

scenarios, 154

tasks, 154

team roles, 197–198

test cases, 154–155

work item tracking system, 276–277

working with, 152–153

CMMI process improvement

capability levels, need for, 156–157

failure rate of software projects, 155–156

Level 3 process maturity, 157–161

planning using governance and capacity, 161–162

progress, tracking, 162–168

risk and issues, managing, 168–169

described, 147–148


compiling and creating, 179–181

SQL Server Reporting Services, 427–428

editing tools, 172

heavy versus light processes, 148–149

HTMLBuild Utility, 180

integrating processes into Team Foundation Server

deleting process templates, 181–182

steps, 181

testing custom process templates, 182

process templates

Conchango Scrum Process Template, 172–179

editing tools, 172

Process Template Manager, 170–171

release management, 443–446

third-party processes, 169–170

MSFWinBuild utility, 180–181

MSSCCI (Microsoft Source Code Control Interface) provider

extensibility, 341–343

for Visual Studio 6.0 and 2003, 6

MSTEST.EXE command-line testing tool, 373–375

multiple platforms, effective team communication, 381–382


application tier

described, 40–41

firewall modifications, 45–46

IIS, 41–42

.NET Framework 2.0 HotFix, 42

Reporting Services, 42

Team Foundation Server Services, 44–45

user permissions, setting, 41

Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (SP2), 42–43

installing Team Foundation Server

application tier, 40–46

data tier, 35–36

installing SQL Server 2005, 36–40

prerequisites, 36

verifying and completing, 46–47

My Queries folder, 291–292

My Work Items for All Team Projects query, 290

My Work Items query, 290

MyCmdWorkspace, 309
