Professional Team Foundation Server
adding to database project, 205–206
credit card numbers, renaming, 210–212
name, changing, 210–212
Task Content field, Microsoft Project, 357
Agile Software Development, 154
necessary, Team Foundation Build Server, 71–72
series of scheduled against database server, 124
unit of work, 277
TDD (test driven development), 14–15
team communication
challenges, 377–378
disadvantages of current methods
described, 378–379
e-mail, 379
file shares, 379–380
telephone, 379
Team Foundation Server
flow, improving, 382–384
instant messaging, receiving tasks via, 384–389
Microsoft Groove 2007, 392
multiple platforms, 381–382
status, tracking via Outlook, 389–392
tools, 380–381
Team Edition for Database Professionals
building and deploying
described, 201
project settings, defining, 207–208
Schema Compare feature, 209–210
described, 199
implementation phase
database project, creating new, 202–203
described, 201
importing database schema, 203–205
managing database schema, 205
modifying database schema, 205–207
need for, 200–202
data generation, 212–216
data generator, building custom, 219–224
described, 201
refactoring, 210–212
unit testing, 216–219
Team Explorer
adding users to groups, 108–109
administrative functions, accessing, 61–62
client planning, 13–14
command-line tools, 63–65
configuring to use Team Foundation Server Proxy, 61
connecting to Team Foundation Server, 60
described, 6, 58
installing, 59
Internet Explorer enhanced security configurations, 59
new group, creating, 62
prerequisites, installing, 58–59
searching work item store, 289–290
adding and removing from group, 63
create ability, allowing, 65–67
Team Explorer/Team Editions, 73
Team Foundation Build, 6, 413–415
Team Foundation Build Server
architecture, 73–74
ASP.NET applications, 89
build execution, 77–80
build report, 80–82
build types, 74–77
CI, 84–85
customizing and extending
custom build tasks, 86–87
described, 85–86
existing build tasks, 86
registering custom task, 88
MSBuild, 72
.NET v 1.1 and VB 6.0 code, 88
nightly builds, 83–84
setting up
best practices, 93
common build drop site, 91–92
e-mail notifications, 90–91
managing builds, 89–90
multiple, 91
security permissions overview, 92
tasks, necessary, 71–72
typical builds, 83
weekly builds, 84
Team Foundation Core Services. See TFCS
Team Foundation Server
benefits of using, 3–5
book, topics covered by, 6
capacity planning
enterprise deployment, 10–11
performance and scope, 9–10
scenarios, 9
small-to-medium deployments, 10
client planning
editions, 13
Team Explorer, 13–14
Team Suite, 13
firewall modifications, 45
global level permissions, 98–99
hardware requirements
build, 16
memory, 15
server, 15
64-bit support, 17
SQL Server 2005 dual-server scenario, 16
test agent, 16
test controller, 16
Visual Studio 2005, 16
licensing model, 28
migrating and integrating existing tools and assets
benefits, 19
build script, 26
reporting, 26
testing tools, 26–27
version control, 20–24
work item tracking, 24–25
migrating tools
version control, 68–69
work item tracking, 70
network topologies
architecting your AD structure, 12
dual-server deployment, 11
single-server deployment (workgroup configuration), 11
test deployment using virtualization, 12
obtaining, 28
project data, compiling, 7–8
project group permissions, 99–100
security permissions overview, 96
security planning, 14
software requirements
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), 17
required service packs and software components, 17
SQL Server 2005, 17
Team Foundation Build, 18
Visual Studio 2005 and Team Explorer, 18
test plan, 14–15
test rig, 15
Visual Studio 2005, 5–6
Team Foundation Server Object Model. See TFSOM
Team Foundation Server over The WAN, 395
Team Foundation Server Proxy
client and server configuration, 401–403
described, 6, 49–50
how GET works, 399–401
installing, 398–399
managing, 403–405
offline working, 405–406
Team Explorer, configuring to use, 61
Team Foundation Server Services
multiserver, 44–45
single server, 48–49
Team Foundation Version Control. See TFVC
team member/developer, 33
team portal, developing on Web, 396
team project
areas and iterations, configuring
described, 193
Microsoft Excel, using to modify areas and iterations, 196
modifying areas, 193–195
modifying iterations, 195–196
completing, 189–191
confirming settings, 188–189
described, 184
errors, common, 191–193
network errors, 192–193
permission errors, 191–192
process template, specifying, 184–186
project portal settings, specifying, 186–187
settings, specifying, 184
Version Control settings, specifying, 187–188
creation rights, AD domain controller, 65–67
described, 183–184
new project, setting up, 456–457
described, 196–197
interchanging MSF Agile Process Model team roles, 198
MSF Agile Process Model team roles, 197–198
TFVC, 317–318
Team Project information, 229
Team Queries folder, 290–291
Team Suite, Visual Studio 2005, 5
Team System
build scripts, transferring to, 26
finalizing projects, 447
tiers, illustrated, 4
Team Test Load Agent, 6
TeamFoundationServer object, 233–235
Team-of-Teams approach, Microsoft, 393
Teamprise, 14, 21, 381–382
telephone, 379
Conchango Scrum Process
classification, 173
described, 172
downloading, 169
groups and permissions, 173–175
process templates, 172–179
Windows SharePoint Team Portal, incorporating design into custom, 272–273
test agent, Team Foundation Server hardware requirements, 16
test cases
Agile Software Development, 154–155
managing team projects
code analysis, 372
described, 367–371
generic tests, 372
load tests, 372
manual, 371
performance tests, 372
unit tests, 372
Web tests, 372
test cast management, 397
test controller
Team Foundation Server, 19
Team Foundation Server hardware requirements, 16
test deployment
Virtual PC, 12
Virtual Server, 12
test driven development (TDD), 14–15
Test folder, 267
Tester role, MSF Agile Process Model, 197
distributed load, 406–413
MSF custom process templates, 182
Team Edition for Database Professionals
data generation, 212–216
data generator, building custom, 219–224
described, 201
refactoring, 210–212
unit testing, 216–219
tools, 26–27
text/XML editor, 172
TFCS (Team Foundation Core Services)
classification service, 229
described, 6, 228–229
eventing service, 229–230, 240–242
linking service, 229, 230–231, 244–246
registration service, 229, 231
security service, 229, 231, 243–244
subscribing to an event, 231–232
TfsActivityLogging database, 125, 135
TfsAdminUtil command-line utility, 141–142
TFSAdminUtil.exe tool, 64
TfsBuild database, 125
TfsDeleteProject Commands, 453–454
TFSDeleteProject tool, 64
TfsIntegration database, 125
TFSOM (Team Foundation Server Object Model)
described, 232–233
IAuthorizationService, 236–238
ICommonStructureService, 238–240
IGroupSecurityService, 243–244
ILinking, 244–246
IProcessTemplates, 246–247
IRegistration, 247–250
IServerStatusService, 250–251
services, accessing, 235–236
TeamFoundationServer object, 233–235
VersionControlServer, 251–252
WorkItemStore, 252–254
TFSREPORTS account, 33
TFSSecurity.exe tool described, 64
groups, creating, 106–107
Tracking Areas permission, setting, 115–116
users, adding to groups, 110
TFSSERVICE account, 33
TFSSETUP account
base user permissions, setting, 36
creating, 33
local Administrators group, verifying, 41, 47–48
setting up, 33
TfsVersionControl database, 125
TFSWarehouse database, 125
TfsWarehouse OLAP cube, 421–422
TfsWorkItemTracking database, 125
TfsWorkItemTrackingAttachments database, 125
TFVC (Team Foundation Version Control)
best practices
branching and merging, 335–336
check-in and check-out, 335
need for, 334
shelving, 336
trunk, 335
branching and merging, 313–316
check-in/check-out, 309–312
concepts, 303–304
Conchango Scrum Process Template, 176
adding to team project, 317–318
security considerations, 320
source files, adding, 318–319
converting from other version control systems
described, 324–325
Visual SourceSafe, VSSConverter to, 325–333
CS-Converter with Visual SourceSafe, 333–334
CVS system, 302
described, 301, 303
custom check-in policies, 337–340
described, 336–337
MSSCCI provider, 341–343
object model, 341
Visual Studio 2005 Software Development Kit, 24
repository, 304–306
shelving, 322–323
Source Control Explorer
described, 320–321
security, setting, 321–322
Source Control Settings, 323–324
Subversion, 303
version numbers and changesets, 307
Visual Studio 2005 Software Development Kit, 24
VSS system, 302
VSSConverter with Visual SourceSafe
analyzing projects, 328–329
converting and viewing results, 331–333
described, 24
files, customizing for conversion, 330–331
prerequisites, 326–327
results, viewing analysis, 329–330
security concerns, 327
VSSConverter information, 325–326
workspaces, 307–309
_themes folder, 266
themes, Windows SharePoint Team Portal, 270–271
theory of constraints (TOC), 158
third party tools, 6
third-party processes, MSF, 169–170
Threat Analysis & Modeling tool, 153
threshold state, CMMI process improvement, 163
tiers, Team System, 4
time overruns, 148
time tracking, 361–363
time zone, Team Foundation Server, 234
TOC (theory of constraints), 158
@today query, 292
topologies, network
architecting your AD structure, 12
dual-server deployment, 11
single-server deployment, 11
test deployment using virtualization, 12
tracking system, work item
creating item, 288–289
history, viewing work item's, 292–293
Microsoft Excel, 275, 293–294
Microsoft Project integration, 293–294
searching work item store, 289–292
Conchango Scrum Process Template, 177–179
existing work item, 285–287
and extending, 278–279
described, 278, 380–381
form, 278
MSF Agile process model types, 276–277
object model, 294–297
queries, 279
reasons for, 275–276
Team Foundation Server, 24–25
Team Foundation Server migrating tools, 70
WIQL, 298–299
work item type XML file overview, 280–285
transaction log, recovery modes, 124
triage report, CMMI process improvement, 165–166
data warehouse, 437
Team Foundation Build issues, 93
trunk, best practices, 335