Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System (Programmer to Programmer)
A NULL handle has been used error, 271
abstract attribute, 172
Abstract Class type, 103
abstract objects, 161
abstract relationships, 161
Access attribute, 179
access to work items, controlling, 518
ACT (Application Center Test), 394
Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF), 578
process guidance customization
adding steps to, 598
assigning roles to, 598
creating new activities, 597-598
referencing work products, 597
workstreams, associating activities to, 598
process templates, 597-598
Additional files to be deployed with this generic test option, 460
administering project details
deleting a Team project, 514-516
overview, 505
project alerts, 511-513
project security management, 507-508
project settings, configuring
overview, 507
project security management, 507-508
structuring your project, 508-510
Team Project Portal, 511
version control management, 510-511
structuring your project, 508-510
Team Foundation Server, connecting to, 505-506
Team Portal customization and extensibility, 513-514
Team Project Portal, 511
version control management, 510-511
administrator role, 543
advocacy, 584-585
Agile Management for Software Engineering (Anderson), 572
Agile movement, 568-569
AllItemsAreInstancesOfType method, 374
AllItemsAreNotNull method, 374
AllItemsAreUnique method, 374
Allocation View for session reports, 328
ALM (Application Lifecycle Model), 569
analyzing ordered tests, 354-355
anatomy of a work item, 516-517
Anderson, David J.
Agile Management for Software Engineering, 572
blog, 570
annotation support
in C, 254-255
in C++, 254
overview, 253-254
SA_FormatString attribute, 254
SA_InvalidCheck attribute, 254
SA_No attribute, 254
SA_NoAccess attribute, 254
SA_Post attribute, 254
SA_Pre attribute, 254
SA_Read attribute, 254
SA_ReadWrite attribute, 254
SA_Write attribute, 254
SA_Yes attribute, 254
Application Center Test (ACT), 394
Application Designer
copying diagrams, 54
defining default deployment from
binding applications to servers, 85-87
overview, 83-85
prohibited bindings, 87
System View, 85
validating the deployment, 87-88
described, 13-14
implementation of applications
DealingApp implementation, 50-52
MarketMaker implementation, 43-45
overview, 41-42
SDM files, 42-43
StockBroker implementation, 45-48
StockQuoteApp implementation, 48-50
limitations and workarounds
console applications, 56
DCOM applications, 55
dynamic modeling, 56-57
.NET Remoting, 55
overview, 54
Windows applications and services, 56
model and code synchronization, 52
overview, 30
printing diagrams, 54
reverse engineering, 53
Settings and Constraints Editor, 53-54
Stockbroker example
database connection properties, specifying, 36-37
design characteristics, 33-34
drawing the diagram, 34-36
endpoint details, specifying, 37-38
endpoint prototype, defining your own, 38-39
existing service, representing an, 39-40
overview, 32-33
UML comparisons, 34
applications, 31-32
ASP.NETWebapplication, 32
ASP.NETWebService, 32
BizTalkWebService, 32
comment tool, 31
connection tool, 31
endpoints, 31
ExternalDatabase, 32
ExternalWebService, 32
General Designer, 31
GenericApplication, 32
GenericEndpoint, 31
OfficeApplication, 32
overview, 30
pointer tool, 31
WebContentEndpoint, 31
WebServiceEndpoint, 31
WindowsApplication, 32
Application layer endpoint, 196-198
Application Lifecycle Model (ALM), 569
application time, 322
Application Verifier
configuration, 264-266
Conserve Memory setting, 264
handle troubleshooting
The current thread is performing a wait operating on a thread handle in DllMain error, 271
The handle used for the current operation is invalid error, 270
Incorrect object type for handle error, 271
Invalid parameters passed to a multi-object wait function error, 270
Invalid TLS index in the current operation error, 271
A NULL handle has been used error, 271
overview, 270
heap troubleshooting
Attempt to destroy process heap error, 269
Corrupted end stamp of block header error, 270
Corrupted infix pattern for freed block error, 269
Corrupted prefix pattern error, 270
Corrupted start stamp of block header error, 270
Corrupted suffix pattern error, 269
Exception raised while verifying block header error, 269
Excessive size for the current operation error, 268
Full page heap, 267
The heap block object of the current operation is corrupted error, 268-269
Heap handle with incorrect signature error, 268
Heap operation performed on an invalid heap handle error, 268
Light page heap, 267
Memory Access Operation in the context of a freed block reuse-after-delete or double-delete error, 267
Memory Access Operation in the context of an allocated block: heap overrun or heap underrun error, 267
Multithreaded access in a HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE heap error, 267-268
overview, 266-267
Process heap list count is wrong error, 270
Unexpected exception raised in heap code path error, 269
how it works, 274-278
lock troubleshooting
Critical section over-released or corrupted error, 272
The lock count is invalid error, 273
The Lock has already been initialized error, 272
The Lock has been double initialized error, 272
The lock has been over released error, 273
The lock is being used without having been initialized error, 273
The lock is corrupted error, 272-273
Module contains an active lock error, 272
overview, 271-272
The owner of the lock is invalid, owner was expected error, 273
The recursion count is invalid error, 273
The region of memory about to be freed contains an active lock error, 273
Released memory containing an active lock error, 272
Released virtual memory containing an active lock error, 272
The thread cannot own a lock in this context error, 272
Thread not supposed to be owning a lock error, 273
overview, 263-264
programming, 278-281
Protection Location setting, 265
setup, 264-266
Verification Layer settings, 266
versions, 263
ApplicationHost layer endpoint, 199-200
architect role, 587-588
architecting your Active Directory (AD) structure, 653-654
architects and MSF for CMMI Process Improvement, 571
architecture for DSI, 160-163
AreEqual method, 374
AreEquivalent method, 374
AreNotEqual method, 374
AreNotEquivalent method, 374
ASP.NET applications unit testing
attributes of ASP.NET unit tests, 387-388
creating ASP.NET unit tests, 388-389
overview, 387
ASP.NET profiling, 336
ASP.NETWebApplication, 32
ASP.NETWebService, 32
.ASPX template, 151-153
.ASPX.CS template, 151-153
Assert methods
Assert.AreEqual method, 371-372
Assert.AreNotEqual method, 371-372
Assert.AreNotSame method, 372-373
Assert.AreSame method, 372-373
Assert.Fail method, 374
Assert.Inconclusive method, 374
Assert.IsFalse method, 373
Assert.IsInstanceOfType method, 373
Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType method, 373
Assert.IsNotNull method, 373
Assert.IsNull method, 373
Assert.IsTrue method, 373
assigned to field (work items), 517
assigning roles
to activities, 598
to workstreams, 596
Association item, 103
association relationships, adding, 112-113
Attempt to destroy process heap error, 269
attributes of ASP.NET unit tests, 387-388
automated deployment, 95-97
automated testing
for generic testing, 435
for load testing, 435
manual testing compared, 433-436
overview, 434-435
for performance testing, 435
for regression testing, 435
for stress testing, 435
for structural testing, 435
for web testing, 435