Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System (Programmer to Programmer)

backup and recovery, 658-659

base rule creation, 238

BigBuild. See Team Foundation Build

binding applications to servers, 85-87

BizTalkWebService, 32

black box testing, 358

blank performance session, adding, 312


blogs (Anderson), 570

blogs (Caron), 648

blogs (de Vries), 608

blogs (Harry), 647

blogs (Hodge), 561

blogs (Lichten), 632

blogs (Manning), 608

blogs (Osterman), 273


Team Foundation version control, 553-555

version control Team Foundation Server, 485

broad partner ecosystem, 159

Browser Mix (New Load Test Wizard), 415-416

bug work item

logging your manual test as a, 451-452

overview, 579-580

“Build a Better Design Tool with Visio Automation” (Loton), 22

build lab, setting up, 629

build location folder, 629

build process code analysis integration, 236-237

build types creation

deleting a build type, 635

editing an existing Team build type, 633-635

New Team Build Type Creation Wizard used for, 631-633

overview, 630-631

business analysts, 571, 586-587
