Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System (Programmer to Programmer)
database connection properties, specifying, 36-37
DatabaseClientEndpoint (Logical Datacenter Designer), 61
DatabaseServer (Logical Datacenter Designer), 61
datacenter zones, 63
data-driven unit tests, creating, 378
data-driven web tests
binding to a source, 408-409
data source configuration, 407-408 overview, 407
DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model) applications, 11, 55
de Vries, Marcel (blog), 608
DealingApp class diagram, 104-105
DealingApp implementation
DealingForm.vb code, 51
overview, 50-51
testing DealingApp Windows application, 51-52
DealingForm.vb code, 51
DealingNotificationDelegate delegate, 117
DealingService.vb, 46-47
DealingUtilities module, 118
DealStatus enum, 117
Debugging Applications for Microsoft .NET and Microsoft Windows (Robbins), 266
debugging symbols, 335
debugging unit tests, 368
default deployments, 88-89
default templates, 442-443
Default.aspx file, 49
Default.aspx.cs file, 49-50
defining and deploying systems
defining deployment, 90-91
nested systems, 91-92
overview, 89
system definition for a subset of the application design, 89-90
system definition for the full application design, 89
defining default deployment from Application Designer
binding applications to servers, 85-87
overview, 83-85
prohibited bindings, 87
System View, 85
validating the deployment, 87-88
defining deployment, 90-91
Definition complex type, 170-171
definition members, 170
definitions, modifying process template
classification, 619-621
core template, 605-607
groups, 621-622
overview, 603-605
permissions, 621-622
SQL Reporting Services, 617-619
Team Foundation version control, 607-609
testing your changes, 613
Windows SharePoint Services team portal, 613-617
work items, 609-612
Delegate type, 103
Delegation of endpoints, 200-201
DelegationDefinition relationship, 176
a build, 638-639
a build type, 635
process templates, 623
a Team project, 514-516
Delrue, Thomas (SDM example), 192
Deming, W. Edwards (statistician), 569
deploying a rule, 243
deployment, 165-166
Deployment Designer
deployment reports
automated deployment, 95-97
human-readable deployment reports, 94-95
machine-readable deployment reports, 95-97
overview, 93-94
overview, 15-16, 82
System View, 83
UML deployment diagram compared, 97-98
deployment planning
capacity planning
enterprise deployment, 651
overview, 650
performance and scope, 650
small to medium deployments, 650
creating a test plan, 654
firewall configuration, 652
network topologies
architecting your Active Directory (AD) structure, 653-654
multi-server deployment, 652
single-server deployment, 652
test deployment using virtualization, 654
overview, 649
test rig considerations, 655
unsupported deployment scenarios, 650
user accounts, 651
deployment reports
automated deployment, 95-97
human-readable deployment reports, 94-95
machine-readable deployment reports, 95-97
overview, 93-94
DeploymentTime attribute, 179
design characteristics, 33-34
“Design Guidelines for Class Library Developers” (Microsoft), 224
design rules, 225
designer, creating a, 132-133
designer relationships and team system integration
object flow (artifacts), 20-21
overview, 19
process flow (roles and activities), 19-20
settings and constraints, 21
source control and item tracking, 21designing code types
association relationships, adding, 112-113
DealingNotificationDelegate delegate, 117
DealingUtilities module, 118
DealStatus enum, 117
hard copy, reproducing class diagrams in, 119
inheritance relationships, adding, 110-111
interfaces, 118-119
members, adding, 111-112
methods, 115-116
one-to-many associations, 114-115
overview, 109-110
StockDeal classes, 110-115
StockQuote structure, 117
types other than class, 116-118
designing visually, reasons for, 4
design-time validation, 163-164
developers, 571, 588
development role, 543
disabling C/C++ code analysis, 248-249
disabling tests, 344
Display execution application (window or console) at runtime option (generic testing), 460
Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), 11, 55
distributed components and run-time reuse, 10-11
distributed load tests
configuring agents
attributes, 429
IP switching, 429
overview, 428
weighting, 429
load tests
configuring agents, 428-429
configuring controllers, 428
installing controllers and agents, 427
overview, 427
running, 430
test run configuration, 429-430
viewing, 430
overview, 427
distributed services and service-oriented architecture, 11-12
Distributed System Designers, 189-190
DMZ1 zone, 63
DMZ2 zone, 63
DoesNotContain method, 374
DoesNotMatch method, 375
domain models, 131, 149-150
domain-specific language (DSL), 5-7, 131-132
Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF), 566
a process template to your desktop, 601-602
drawing the diagram, 34-36
drop location folder, 629
DSI. See Dynamic Systems Initiative DSI roadmap, 159
DSL toolkit, 25
DSL Tools
.ASPX template, 151-153
.ASPX.CS template, 151-153
code generation, 151-154
designer, creating a, 132-133
domain model, using, 149-150
graphical language, creation of
Connector Map, providing a, 145-146
connectors, defining, 143
overview, 141-142
Shape Map, providing a, 144-145
shapes, defining, 142-143
toolbox, defining, 144
latest release of, 132
navigation language, creation of, 134-141
pages, 135-137
project, creation of, 133-134
relationships, 137-138
sites, 135-137
translation code, 155
using the designer, 147-149
Dynamic Link Libraries, 247
dynamic modeling
Application Designer, 56-57
Class Designer
overview, 125
simulating collaboration diagrams using comments, 127
state pattern used to simulate statechart diagrams, 125-127
limitations and workarounds, 56-57
System Designer, 98
Dynamic Systems Initiative (DSI)
broad partner ecosystem, 159
DSI roadmap, 159
overview, 159
System Definition Model (SDM) abstract attribute, 172
abstract objects, 161
abstract relationships, 161
advantages of, 160
architecture for, 160-163
complex types, 167-168
constraints, 162, 182-186
Definition complex type, 170-171
definition members, 170
deployment, 165-166
design-time validation, 163-164
Distributed System Designers, 189-190
example, 192-218
extends attribute, 172
instances, 161-162
layer attribute, 172
managers, 162
Member complex type, 176-179
modeling layers of a system, 166-167
object definition, 170
ObjectDefinition complex type, 172-175
overview, 160
prototypes, 189-190
relationship definition, 170
RelationshipDefinition complex type, 175-176
schema structure, 169-170
SDM Compiler, 163, 191-192
SDM documents, 162, 186-189
SDM SDK, 190-191
settings, 179-182
simple types, 167-168
system deployment definition, 166
type definitions, 168
types, 167-169
in Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Architects, 164-165