Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System (Programmer to Programmer)

ID field (work items), 516

IIntrospectionRule interface, 240


overview, 61

settings and constraints, 72-74

Implement Abstract Class, 287-288

implementation, component, 11

implementation of applications

Application Designer

DealingApp implementation, 50-52

MarketMaker implementation, 43-45

overview, 41-42

SDM files, 42-43

StockBroker implementation, 45-48

StockQuoteApp implementation, 48-50

DealingApp implementation

DealingForm.vb code, 51

overview, 50-51

testing DealingApp Windows application, 51-52

MarketMaker implementation

modifications to DealingService.cs, 43-44

overview, 43

testing MarketMaker application, 44-45

StockBroker implementation

DealingService.vb, 46-47

overview, 45

StockQuoteService.vb, 46

testing StockBroker application, 47-48

StockQuoteApp implementation

Default.aspx file, 49

Default.aspx.cs file, 49-50

overview, 48

testing StockQuoteApp Web application, 50

implementing the rule, 238-243

Import IIS Settings Wizard, 76

inclusive time, 322

Incorrect object type for handle error, 271

Inheritance item, 103

inheritance relationships, adding, 110-111

initialization and cleanup of unit tests

AssemblyCleanup attribute, 371

AssemblyInitialize attribute, 371

ClassCleanup attribute, 370-371

ClassInitialize attribute, 370-371

overview, 368-369

TestCleanup attribute, 369-370

TestInitialize attribute, 369-370

The Inmates are Running the Asylum (Cooper), 576

installing controllers and agents, 427

instances, 161-162


and code coverage, 335

programmatically modifying, 333-335

instrumentation profilers, 308

instrumentation session configuration, 319-320

integrated check-in, 484

integrating your custom manual test template into Visual Studio 2005, 446-447


CI (Continuous Integration), 640-641

overview, 656

reporting, 657

Team Foundation Server integration

check-in policies using C/C++ code analysis, creating, 257-259

overview, 257

setting check-in notes for your C/C++ code, 259-260

work items created from code analysis warnings, 260-261

testing tools, 657-658

version control, 656

Visual Studio 2005


code highlighting, 250-251

disabling C/C++ code analysis, 248-249

enabling C/C++ code analysis, 248-249

overview, 248

setting warning levels, 249-250

viewing code analysis warnings and errors, 250-251

work-item tracking, 657

Interface type, 103

interfaces, 118-119

interoperability rules, 225

interpreting session reports, 321-330

IntranetZone, 63

introspection, 237

Invalid parameters passed to a multi-object wait function error, 270

Invalid TLS index in the current operation error, 271

IsNotSubsetOf method, 374

IsSubsetOf method, 374

iterative process, 575
