Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System (Programmer to Programmer)

object definition, 170

object flow (artifacts), 20-21

object flow diagram, 19

Object Management Group (OMG), 5

object-based architectures evolution to service-oriented architectures

components and deploy-time reuse, 9

distributed components and run-time reuse, 10-11

distributed services and service-oriented architecture, 11-12

objects and compile-time reuse, 8-9

overview, 8

ObjectDefinition complex type, 172-175

ObjectMember complex type, 178

objects and compile-time reuse, 8-9

Objects Lifetime View in session reports, 328-330

OfficeApplication (Application Designer), 32

one-to-many associations, 114-115

opening test templates using Open With Wizard, 447

operational details, too much focus on, 501

operations team, setting up, 648-649


command-line analysis tool, 233-235

command-line load test execution, 427

test projects, 341-342

ordered tests

analyzing, 354-355

creating, 352-353

executing, 354

overview, 352

properties of, 353

test projects, 340

Osterman, Larry (blog), 273

The owner of the lock is invalid, owner was expected error, 273
