Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System (Programmer to Programmer)

Tables View of results, 424-426

TargetDefinition attribute, 183

task work item, 582

TDD (test-driven development), 359-361

Team Developer profiler

instrumentation session configuration, 319-320

overview, 309

Performance Explorer

Counters property page, 315

Events property page, 315

General property page, 314-315

general session properties, setting, 314-316

Launch property page, 315

overview, 313-314

session targets, configuring, 316-318

performance session creation

blank performance session, adding, 312

overview, 311

unit test, creating a performance session from a, 312-313

using Performance Wizard, 311-312

performance session execution, 320

sample application creation, 309-310

sampling session configuration, 318-319

session reports

Allocation View, 328

application time, 322

Call Tree View, 327

Caller/Callee View, 326-327

elapsed time, 322

exclusive time, 322

Functions View, 325-326

inclusive time, 322

interpreting, 321-330

managing, 321

Objects Lifetime View, 328-330

reading, 321-330

Summary View, 322-325

Team Edition Test Load Agent, 489

Team Explorer

overview, 490-494

used for managing reports, 524

Team Foundation architecture

clients, 490

configuration, 496-497

overview, 489-490

Team Explorer, 490-494

Team Foundation Build, 494

Team Foundation Reporting Warehouse architecture, 494-496

Team Foundation Build

build types creation

deleting a build type, 635

editing an existing Team build type, 633-635

New Team Build Type Creation Wizard used for, 631-633

overview, 630-631

command-line interface deleting a build, 638-639

nightly builds, setting up, 639-640

overview, 638

starting a build, 638

stopping a build, 639

Continuous Integration (CI), 640-641

customization, 644-646

e-mail notifications, 635-636

extensibility, 644-646

local build, executing, 636-637

MSBuild tasks, 645-646

overview, 625-627, 630-631

reporting, 641-643


build lab, setting up, 629

build location folder, 629

drop location folder, 629

overview, 627-628

security, setting up build, 630

strategy for build, planning a, 628

Team System integration, 629-630

status, 637-638

Team Foundation architecture, 494

Team Foundation Server, 488

Team Foundation Reporting, 488-489

Team Foundation Reporting Warehouse architecture, 494-496

Team Foundation Server

connecting to, 505-506

core services, 489

features, 483-484


check-in policies using C/C++ code analysis, creating, 257-259

overview, 257

setting check-in notes for your C/C++ code, 259-260

work items created from code analysis warnings, 260-261

Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF), 482

overview, 482

project management guidance, 483

publishing test results on, 452-453

Team Edition Test Load Agent, 489

Team Foundation Build, 488

Team Foundation Reporting, 488-489

team processes, 482

Team Project Portal, 488

version control

branching, 485

check-in policies, 486-487

history, 485

integrated check-in, 484

merging, 485

migrating from VSS to Team Foundation version control, 487

overview, 484

proxy support, 486

shelving, 486

workspaces, 485

work item tracking (WIT), 487-488

Team Foundation version control

administrator role, 543

branching, 553-555

check-in and check-outs checking in an item, 549

checking out an item, 550-551

policies, creating and administering check-in, 551-553

command-line tools, 560-561

contributor role, 543

development role, 543

features of, 537

merging, 555-557

overview, 535-536

process templates, 607-609

setup for

overview, 541-542

security roles, 542-543

workspace, 543-544

shelvesets, 557-559

source code migration, 540-541

Source Control Explorer

overview, 544-545

source repository, adding projects to, 548

workspaces, 546-548

test lead role, 543

Visual SourceSafe (VSS) 2005 compared, 536-539

Team Model

advocacy, 584-585

mindsets, 585

overview, 582-584

Team Portal customization and extensibility, 513-514

team processes, 482

Team Project, 500

Team Project Portal, 488, 511

Team Reports

overview, 524

Reporting Services Report Manager used for managing reports, 525-526

Team Explorer used for managing reports, 524

trends within a project, analyzing, 526-529

Team System

integration, 629-630

manual testing

bug work item, logging your manual test as a, 451-452

configuring manual test options, 440-442

creating manual tests, 439

managing manual tests, 449-453

overview, 438-439

structure, 448-449

Team Foundation Server, publishing test results on, 452-453

templates, 442-448

Test Manager, 450-451

manual testing templates

adding a custom manual test in your project, 443

creating a Visual Studio 2005

test template, 446

creating custom manual test templates, 443-445

default templates, 442-443

exporting your custom manual test as a new item, 443-445

integrating your custom manual test template into Visual Studio 2005, 446-447

Microsoft Word format template, 447-448

opening test templates using Open With Wizard, 447

overview, 442-443

Text Format template, 448

obtaining, 659-660

profiling, 308

Team System meta-model and System Definition Model (SDM), 22-23

Team System unit testing

creating your first unit test

failing tests, 363

identifying unit test classes, 363

identifying unit tests, 363

overview, 362-363

successful tests, 363

debugging unit tests, 368

managing and running unit tests

overview, 364

Test Manager, 365-366

Test View, 365

overview, 361-362

results, 367-368

test run configuration, 366-367

template definition modifications

process templates

classification, 619-621

core template, 605-607

groups, 621-622

overview, 603-605

permissions, 621-622

SQL Reporting Services, 617-619

Team Foundation version control, 607-609

testing your changes, 613

Windows SharePoint Services team portal, 613-617

work items, 609-612

Windows SharePoint Services team portal

adding new work products to, 615

custom logo added to, 615

customizing, 615

document template schema, 613-614

integrating a site template within a process template, 617

overview, 613

saving your custom site template, 616-617

verifying your portal customizations, 617


adding a custom manual test in your project, 443

creating a Visual Studio 2005

test template, 446

creating custom manual test templates, 443-445

default templates, 442-443

exporting your custom manual test as a new item, 443-445

integrating your custom manual test template into Visual Studio 2005, 446-447

Microsoft Word format template, 447-448

opening test templates using Open With Wizard, 447

overview, 442-443

Text Format template, 448

test case management

ordered tests

analyzing, 354-355

creating, 352-353

executing, 354

overview, 352

properties of, 353

overview, 342

Test Manager

columns displayed, choosing, 345-346

disabling tests, 344

filtering tests, 346-347

grouping tests, 346

overview, 342-343

running tests, 344

selecting tests, 343-344

sorting tests, 346

test lists, 344-345

test meta-data files, loading and importing, 347-348

Test Results window

exporting test results, 350

filtering test results, 350

grouping test results, 350

overview, 349-350

publishing results, 351-352

sorting test results, 350

Test Results XML (TRX) files, 350-351

Test View window, 348-349

test cases, 437

test deployment using virtualization, 654

test lead role, 543

test lists

creating, 344-345

overview, 344

populating, 345

special-purpose test lists, 345

Test Manager, 344-345

working with, 345

Test Manager

columns displayed, choosing, 345-346

disabling tests, 344

filtering tests, 346-347

grouping tests, 346

overview, 342-343

running tests, 344

selecting tests, 343-344

sorting tests, 346

test lists

creating, 344-345

overview, 344

populating, 345

special-purpose test lists, 345

working with, 345

test meta-data files, loading and importing, 347-348

Test Mix, 413-415

test projects

creating, 340-341

generic tests, 340

load tests, 340

manual tests, 340

metadata file, 341

options, setting, 341-342

ordered tests, 340

overview, 339-340

test run configuration, 341

types of tests in, 340

unit tests, 340

web tests, 340

Test Results window

exporting test results, 350

filtering test results, 350

grouping test results, 350

overview, 349-350

publishing results, 351-352

sorting test results, 350

Test Results XML (TRX) files, 350-351

test rig considerations, 655

test run configuration

distributed load tests, 429-430

Team System unit testing, 366-367

test projects, 341

Test View window, 348-349

TestContext class, 377-378

test-driven development (TDD), 359-361

testers, 571, 588-589


DealingApp Windows application, 51-52

MarketMaker application, 44-45

StockBroker application, 47-48

StockQuoteApp Web application, 50

your changes to process templates, 613

your custom process templates, 623

testing methodologies (Hunter), 453

testing tools

integration, 657-658

migration, 657-658

TestProperty attribute, 377

Tests table, 424

Text Format template, 448

think times, 412

third-party tools, 361, 594-595

The thread cannot own a lock in this context error, 272

Thread not supposed to be owning a lock error, 273

Thresholds table, 425

title field (work items), 516


Application Designer

applications, 31-32

ASP.NETWebApplication, 32

ASP.NETWebService, 32

BizTalkWebService, 32

comment tool, 31

connection tool, 31

endpoints, 31

ExternalDatabase, 32

ExternalWebService, 32

General Designer, 31

GenericApplication, 32

GenericEndpoint, 31

OfficeApplication, 32

overview, 30

pointer tool, 31

WebContentEndpoint, 31

WebServiceEndpoint, 31

WindowsApplication, 32

Class Designer

Abstract Class type, 103

Association item, 103

Class type, 102

Comment tool, 103

Delegate type, 103

Enum type, 103

Inheritance item, 103

Interface type, 103

Module type, 103

overview, 102

Structure type, 103

defining, 144

Logical Datacenter Designer

Comment tool, 60

Connection tool, 60

DatabaseClientEndpoint, 61

DatabaseServer, 61

endpoints, 61

General Designer, 60

GenericClientEndpoint, 61

GenericServer, 61

GenericServerEndpoint, 61

HTTPClientEndpoint, 61

IISWebServer, 61

Logical Servers, 61

overview, 60

WebSiteEndpoint, 61

WindowsClient, 61

Zone, 61

ZoneEndpoint, 61

System Designer, 82

tools for managers, 499

tracing markers, 308

tracks, 577-578

Transactions table, 424

translation code, 155

trends within a project, analyzing, 526-529

TRX (Test Results XML) files, 350-351

type definitions, 168

type field (work items), 516


complex types, 167-168

creating and customizing work item, 522-524

described, 101-102

other than class, 116-118

of profilers, 308

simple types, 167-168

of tests in test projects, 340
