Deploying Virtual Private Networks with Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (Technical Reference)

By default, the authenticating server checks for certificate revocation for all the certificates in the certificate chain sent by the VPN client during the EAP-TLS authentication process. If certificate revocation fails for any of the certificates in the chain, the connection fails authentication and is rejected. The certificate revocation check for a certificate can fail because of the following reasons:

This behavior can be modified using the following registry settings in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RasMan\PPP\EAP\13 on the authenticating server:

If they do not already exist, all these registry settings must be added as a DWORD type and have the valid values of 0 or 1. The VPN client does not perform certificate revocation checking of the authenticating server’s certificate and does not use these settings.

Because certificate revocation checking can prevent VPN access due to the inaccessibility or expiration of CRLs for each certificate in the certificate chain, design your certificate infrastructure for high availability of CRLs. For instance, configure multiple CRL distribution points for each CA in the certificate hierarchy and configure publication schedules that ensure that the most current CRL is always published and available.

Certificate revocation checking is only as accurate as the last published CRL. For example, if a certificate is revoked, by default the new CRL containing the newly revoked certificate is not automatically published. CRLs are typically published based on a configurable schedule. This means that the revoked certificate can still be used to authenticate because the published CRL is not current; it does not contain the revoked certificate and can therefore still be used to create VPN connections. To prevent this from occurring, the network administrator must manually publish the new CRL with the newly revoked certificate.

By default the authenticating server uses the CRL distribution points in the certificates. However, it is also possible to store a local copy of the CRL on the authenticating server. In this case, the local CRL is used during certificate revocation checking. If a new CRL is manually published to the Active Directory, the local CRL on the authenticating server is not updated. The local CRL is updated when the CRL expires. This can create a situation whereby a certificate is revoked and the CRL is manually published, but the authenticating server still allows the connection because the local CRL has not yet been updated.
