Understanding Ipv6
Chapter 12
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
- Describe how IPv6 mobility provides application transparency for communication to and from mobile nodes when they are away from home.
- List and describe the components of IPv6 mobility.
- List and describe the IPv6 mobility messages and options.
- Describe the information contained in the IPv6 mobility data structures.
- Describe the details of the communication between the mobile node and the correspondent node.
- Describe the details of the communication between the mobile node and the home agent.
- Describe the details of the following IPv6 mobility processes: attaching to the home link, moving from a home link to a foreign link, moving to a different foreign link, and returning home.
- Describe how IPv6 mobility changes the host sending and receiving algorithms.
The discussion of IPv6 mobility in this chapter is based on draft 13 of the Internet draft titled "Mobility Support in IPv6" (draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-13.txt in the \RFCs_and_Drafts folder on the companion CDROM).