It Auditing: Using Controls to Protect Information Assets [IT AUDITING -OS N/D]
data center auditing, 83-106
alarm systems, 96-98
data center operations, 86, 101-106
environmental controls, 92-93
facility-based controls, 84-85
access-control systems, 84
alarm systems, 84-85
fire-suppression systems, 85
overview, 84
fire suppression, 98-100
master checklists, 111-112
neighborhood and environment, 87-90
overview, 83-84, 86-87
physical access control, 90-92
power continuity, 92-96
surveillance systems, 100-101
system and site resiliency, 85-86
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, 86
network connectivity, 86
overview, 85
power, 85
data classification, 71, 261
data dictionary, 231
data entry, 64
data extraction and analysis, 23
data files, 228
data input controls, 252-253
data retention, 260-261
database auditing, 223-246
background, 223-224
database basics, 224-231
common database vendors, 224-227
database components, 227-231
overview, 224
knowledge base, 244-246
master checklist, 246
overview, 21, 223
performing audit, 231-242
overview, 231-232
test steps, 232-242
tools and technology, 242-243
decentralized IT functions, 38
default umask value, 186
denial of service, 219-220, 249
detective controls, 34
determining what to audit, 36-41
creating audit universe, 36-37
business applications, 38
centralized IT functions, 37
decentralized IT functions, 38
overview, 37
regulatory compliance, 38
overview, 36
ranking audit universe, 39-41
device security controls, 276
direct "root" logins, 196
directional antennas, 272
director of audits, 6
directories, controls for, 212
disaster recovery auditing, 106-110, 156
data backup and restore, 107-108
disaster-recovery plans, 36
disaster-recovery processes, 274
master checklists, 112
mobile devices, 278
overview, 106
planning, 108-110
system resiliency, 106-107
disposal of media, 77-78, 105-106
distributing audit reports, 55
documentation, 16, 44-45
importance of, 44-45
and IT professionals, 26
of projects, 287-289, 300
doors, of data center, 90
dot-files, 181 "drive by" audits, 17
DTP (Dynamic Trunking Protocol), 126-127
DumpSec utility, 139, 144, 147, 152
duties, segregation of, 63
dynamic packet-filtering firewalls, 117
dynamic SQL, executed in stored procedures, 233
Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP), 126-127