The Truth About Search Engine Optimization
7.1. Creating Feeds
If you maintain a blog, it's likely that you are already publishing a syndication feed (even though you may not be aware of it). Check your blog templates to see if there is a template for an index.xml, index.rdf, or atom.xml file. If so, have a look at the root directory for your blog. Voila! You'll probably find a syndication feed. You may want to tweak the template tags to make sure that you are syndicating the content you want, and only the content you want. If you don't have a blog feed, or want to publish content other than the entries of your blog, it's easy to construct an XML syndication feed by hand using a text editor. There are also a great many tools available to help you construct your own feeds. Some tools use a Wizard interface, so you don't need to know anything about coding in XML to create a syndication feed. You'll find links to these tools and to syndication resources in general on the RSS Compendium, online at, and on O'Reilly's site, General information about syndication is available in Shelly Power's Digital Digest What Are Syndication Feeds? |