JBoss at Work: A Practical Guide
Are you curious about the cool, new features of JBoss 4 and J2EE 1.4? Are you frustrated with all the simplistic "Hello World" examples? Do you want to see a realistic application deployed on JBoss? As practitioners, we've seen that most people struggle with the following issues when deploying J2EE applications on JBoss:
This book shows you how to use JBoss with the latest Open Source Java tools. By building a project throughout the book with extensive code examples, we cover all major facets of J2EE application deployment on JBoss, including JSPs, Servlets, EJBs, JMS, JNDI, Web Services, JavaMail, JDBC, and Hibernate. With the help of this book, you'll:
Although this book covers the gamut of deploying J2EE technologies on JBoss, it isn't an exhaustive discussion of each aspect of the J2EE API. This book is meant to be a brief survey of each subject aimed at the working professional with limited time. |