Learn How to Program Using Any Web Browser


<SCRIPT> tag 12

creating while statement 84

declaring new array inside 159

HTML tags 377

using with Macs 16

search method, String object

regular expression methods 322

Select object, event handlers 263

server-side processing 376

setInterval method, Global object 290 , 295

setTimeout method, Global object 290 , 391

shared members, introduction to OOP 196

SimpleText program, Mac15

limitations of 231

slide show, creating 388

creating form 389

generating random numbers 389

loading photos 391

sort method, Array object 173

sorting arrays

case-insensitive sorting 179

custom comparison function 175

numerical sorting 176

sparse arrays 146

iterating through 148

split method, String object 300 , 311

regular expression methods 322

splitting a string 309

src attribute

<IMG> tag 385, 388

src property, Image object 383

stack, popping and pushing 158

stack, implementing as array 158

general example 161

displaying contents 163

HTNL form tags 161

popping the stack 165

pushing the stack 162

simple example 158

statements 4

See also individual statements and loops

comments 35

creating blocks 41

ended or terminated 34

keywords and operators 19

tokens 34

use of semicolon 34

variables and values 19

string concatenation operator (+) 24

mistaken for plus operator 109

String function

creating String object 301

type conversion 112, 143

string literal 26

string manipulation

converting a string to upper case 304

creating and displaying a link 302

importance of 299

playing with strings example 308

capitalizing words in string 310

complete listing 317

counting words in string 311

reversing a string 315

reversing words in string 313

splitting a string 309

user interface 308

regular expressions 320

String object 219

creating 301

deploying regular expressions 320

generating HTML, methods 301

length property 80, 88, 203

methods 300

fromCharCode method 266

match method 336

split method 311

substring method 81, 311

toUpperCase method 180, 311

regular expressions methods 322

string manipulation 300

string types 20

strongly typed languages 32

understanding 111

subclass, inheritance 196

subexpressions, referring to 328

subroutines compared to functions and methods 102

substring method, String object 81 , 300 , 311

superclass, inheritance 196

switch case statements

replacing if statements 71

use of break statements 68

and return statements 72

using 68

using for whoWon function 69

switch statements 43

syntax 4

syntax errors 343

assigning instead of comparing 351

error notification 346

HTML issues 350

JavaScript and 346

mismatched parentheses 351

missing quotes 351

using reserved words as identifiers 351

variance in case in an identifier 348
