Learn How to Program Using Any Web Browser
i regular expression attribute 324
icons used in this book 7
identity operator === 40
IE (Internet Explorer) 262
if else statements, comparing to else if 51
if keyword 4
switch statements 43
if statements 50
(= =) comparison operator 125
Boolean values 50
conversion to 54
else if clauses 51
else statement 50
true condition 50
getting structure right 52
ordering of lower and uppercase strings example 54
recursion example 125
replacing with switch case statements 71
Rock, Scissors, and Paper game 55
use of curly braces 50, 53
Image object
corresponds to <IMG> tag 382
creating a rollover 382
event handlers 263
events 384
height property 383
src property 383
width property 383
images array, document object 382
<IMG> tag 209 , 389
corresponds to Image object 382
rollover, creating 385
src attribute 385, 388
increment operator (++) 37
adds 1 to its operand 96
incremental assignment operator (+=) 120
indexes 57
accessing array values 139
indexOf method, String object 300
inequality operator != 40
infinite loops, while statements 83
inheritance, introduction to OOP 196
<INPUT> tag 45 , 57 , 274
TYPE attribute 45
input validation 49
instances, introduction to OOP 195
instantiation, introduction to OOP 195
Internet Explorer. See IE
interpreters and JavaScript 5
iteration 75
arrays and 147
arrays and functions example 153
creating expressions with for statements 80