Novell's ZENworks for Servers 3. Administrator's Handbook

In ZENworks for Servers 3 most policies are delivered to servers through a Distributed Policy Package that is created and then placed into a Distribution that is then put into a channel for delivery to servers. These policies do not become effective until the policy distribution is delivered and extracted on the target server.

To create a Distributed Policy Package and a Distribution, perform the following:

  1. Create a Channel (see Chapter 6, "Setting Up Tiered Electronic Distribution," for more details).

  2. Create a Policy Distribution Package by doing the following:

    1. Browse to the container where you want to have the policy package. This can be in any container regardless of who will distribute or receive the package.

    2. Create a policy package by right-clicking and choosing New Policy Package or by selecting the Policy Package icon on the toolbar.

    3. Select the Distributed Policy Package object in the Wizard panel and click Next.

    4. Type the package's desired name in the Policy Package Name field and select the container where you want the package to be located. The Container field will already be filled in with the selected container, so you should not have to browse to complete this field. If not, click the Browse button next to the field and browse to and select the container where you want the policy package stored. Click Next.

    5. Select the Define Additional Attributes field to go into the properties of your new object and activate some policies. Click Finish.

    6. Check and set any policies you want for this package and click OK.

  3. Create a Distribution (see Chapter 6 for more details).

    1. Choose a Policy Distribution type for the Distribution and add the created Distributed Policy Package object to the list of policy packages in the Distribution.

  4. Place a Distribution in a Channel and activate the Distribution (see Chapter 6 for more details).

ZENworks for Servers 3, through TED, then creates the Distribution and sends it to all the subscribers in the channel. The subscribers in turn receive the package and extract the package. When the package is extracted the policies in the package are applied to the agents on the target server.
