Microsoft Access VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner

Closes the window of an Access object.


DoCmd.Close([ObjectType][, ObjectName][, Save])

with the following parameters:


An AcObjectType constant indicating the type of object to close. Possible values are acDataAccessPage, acDefault (the active window), acDiagram, acForm, acFunction, acMacro, acModule (a VBA module), acQuery, acReport, acServerView, acStoredProcedure, and acTable.


A String indicating the name of an object of type ObjectType.


An AcCloseSave constant indicating whether changes should be saved. Possible values are acSaveNo, acSavePrompt (the default value), and acSaveYes.


The example iterates the AllTables collection to determine if a table is open. If it is, it prompts the user to close it.

Public Sub CloseTables() Dim tbls As AllTables Dim tbl As Variant Set tbls = Access.Application.CurrentData.AllTables For Each tbl In tbls If tbl.IsLoaded Then If vbYes = MsgBox("Close " & tbl.Name & "?") Then DoCmd.Close acTable, tbl.Name, acSavePrompt End If End If Next End Sub

