Microsoft Access VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner


Macro Builder, 36

macros, 7–8, 9

converting into VBA code, 37–38

creating, 34–37

Macro design window, 8

Macro Security, 295–298

mailing labels, 244–246

maintenance, 25

many-to-many relationships, 33

Maximize, 399–400

.mde files

converting files to, 287–288

creating and distributing, 363–364

Me object, 149–150


On Action, 58–59

attaching a custom menu VBA code, 57–60

Caption, 58

commands, 47

creating, 56–57, 262–265

Help File and Help ContextID, 59

Parameter button, 59

ScreenTips, 58

shortcut menus, 48, 55–56

Shortcut Text, 58

Style, 59

submenus, 47, 266–267

tags, 59

methods, 67–68, 125, 140

AddMenu, 386

ApplyFilter, 386–387

Beep, 387–388

CancelEvent, 388–389

Close, 389–390

CopyDatabaseFile, 390

CopyObject, 390–392

DeleteObject, 392–393

DoMenuItem, 393

Echo, 393–394

FindNext, 394–395

FindRecord, 395–396

GoToControl, 397

GoToPage, 397–398

GoToRecord, 398–399

Hourglass, 399

Maximize, 399–400

Minimize, 400

MoveSize, 400–401

OpenDataAccessPage, 401–402

OpenDiagram, 402

OpenForm, 402–404

OpenFunction, 404

OpenModule, 405

OpenQuery, 405–406

OpenReport, 406–407

OpenStoredProcedure, 408

OpenTable, 408–409

OpenView, 409–410

OutputTo, 410–412

PrintOut, 412–413

Quit, 413–414

Rename, 414–415

RepaintObject, 415

Requery, 415

Restore, 416

RunCommand, 416

RunMacro, 416–417

RunSQL, 417–418

Save, 418–419

SelectObject, 419–420

SendObject, 420–422

SetMenuItem, 422

SetWarnings, 422–423

ShowAllRecords, 423

ShowToolbar, 423–424

TransferDatabase, 425

TransferSpreadsheet, 425

TransferSQLDatabase, 425

TransferText, 425

Microsoft Access

centralization vs. decentralization, 362–363

connecting with, 151–153

connecting with Excel, 308–310

connecting with Outlook, 310–312

connecting with Word, 312–313

developing in, 5–10

future of, 10–11

history of, 4

interacting with, 47–55

migrating to SQL Server, 17

and security, 283–288

security and Access 2003, 294–298

SQL Server vs., 334

Microsoft .NET, transition to, 384

Microsoft Office

connecting with other products, 307–313

and VBA, 368–373

Microsoft Office Object Library, 304, 305

Microsoft SQL Server. See SQL Server

Minimize, 400

modules, 8–10, 65

class modules, 80

creating standard modules, 80–83

general declarations, 83

importing and exporting, 121

inserting and deleting, 119–121

interface, 174

Option Compare line, 83–84

Option Explicit line, 84

MoveSize, 400–401

moving handles, 49

MsgBox, 203–207

buttons and icons, 204

multiuser applications

centralization vs. decentralization, 362–363

compiling your code, 363–364

improving performance, 357–366

record locking, 352–355

record locking with ADO, 355–357

resource contention and conflicts, 351–357

separating data from other Access objects, 357–362

setting options programmatically, 355

setting the refresh interval, 351

setting the update interval, 352

sharing databases, 349–350

writing optimized VBA code, 364–366
