Restricting Inbound Telnet Access


You want to restrict Telnet access to the router to allow only particular workstations.


You can restrict which IP addresses can access the router as follows:

Router1#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router1(config)#access-list 99 permit Router1(config)#access-list 99 deny any log Router1(config)#line vty 0 4 Router1(config-line)#access-class 99 in Router1(config-line)#exit Router1(config)#end Router1#

This example uses a standard access-list. You can also use extended access-lists in an access-class statement. But because you already know the TCP port numbers, as well as the source and destination IP addresses, extended access-lists don't give much extra functionality.


Telnet is an inherently insecure protocol because it sends passwords over the network in clear text. We highly recommend using access-class statements to help to ensure that only authorized users can access router VTYs. These access-class statements do not secure the Telnet protocol itself, but they will prevent unauthorized users from receiving a router login prompt. Even if someone manages to sniff your router passwords, this will make them virtually useless.

For increased security, limit the permitted hosts to a few network management servers. This will force legitimate users to follow a two-stage authentication process to access your routers. They will need to authenticate their session on some central device such as the network management server before they can log into the router. The logic is that it is much easier to secure a single server than a dozen workstations.

This feature provides a similar functionality to the Unix TCPwrapper tool set, which can restrict daemon access to a limited number of IP addresses. And, just like TCPWrapper, we can log the IP addresses of refused users by using the keyword log in the access-list definition. This will create a log message for every unauthorized Telnet attempt, such as the following:

Router1#show logging | include list 99 Jun 27 14:14:25: %SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGS: list 99 denied 1 packet Router1#

In the example, we have added an explicit deny any command to allow the router to count refused sessions:

Router1#show access-lists 99 Standard IP access list 99 permit, wildcard bits (4 matches) deny any log (1 match) Router1#

This command shows you the running total of permitted and refused Telnet sessions. In this example, the access-list has denied a single Telnet session from accessing a router VTY. A large number of access attempts might indicate that someone is trying to access your routers. The log messages will capture the IP source address of each denied attempt, making it easy to investigate.

See Also

Recipe 3.15; Recipe 3.17
