MySQL Cookbook

    Section 11.0.  Introduction

    Recipe 11.1.  Creating a Sequence Column and Generating Sequence Values

    Recipe 11.2.  Choosing the Data Type for a Sequence Column

    Recipe 11.3.  The Effect of Row Deletions on Sequence Generation

    Recipe 11.4.  Retrieving Sequence Values

    Recipe 11.5.  Renumbering an Existing Sequence

    Recipe 11.6.  Extending the Range of a Sequence Column

    Recipe 11.7.  Reusing Values at the Top of a Sequence

    Recipe 11.8.  Ensuring That Rows Are Renumbered in a Particular Order

    Recipe 11.9.  Starting a Sequence at a Particular Value

    Recipe 11.10.  Sequencing an Unsequenced Table

    Recipe 11.11.  Using an AUTO_INCREMENT Column to Create Multiple Sequences

    Recipe 11.12.  Managing Multiple Simultaneous AUTO_INCREMENT Values

    Recipe 11.13.  Using AUTO_INCREMENT Values to Relate Tables

    Recipe 11.14.  Using Sequence Generators as Counters

    Recipe 11.15.  Generating Repeating Sequences

    Recipe 11.16.  Numbering Query Output Rows Sequentially
