High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, Replication, and More

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

back_log variable  2nd 

backing up

    databases  2nd  3rd 

        InnoDB and BDB tables  2nd 

        preparations for  2nd 

        with BACKUP TABLE statement  2nd 

        with direct-copy methods  2nd 

        with mysqldump utility  2nd  3rd  4th 

        with mysqlhotcopy script  2nd 

        with replication servers  2nd 

    log files 

    tables  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 

backing up.  [See also replication servers]2nd  [See also disaster recovery]3rd  [See also copying]

backtick (`)

    column names 

BACKUP TABLE statement  2nd  3rd  4th 


    database backups

        administration duties 

backward-compatibility function aliases

    PHP API 


    Perl DBI error handling  2nd 

bandwidth considerations

    selecting ISPs  2nd  3rd 

base directories

    for multiple servers  2nd 

basedir variable 

batch mode

    queries  2nd  3rd 

BDB options

    mysqld server  2nd 

BDB tables 

    AUTO_INCREMENT attribute 

    backing up  2nd 

    in data directory 

    log files 

    maximum size 

    on multiple servers 


    recovering  2nd 

bdb_cache_size variable 

bdb_home variable 

bdb_log_buffer_size variable 

bdb_logdir variable 

bdb_max_lock variable 

bdb_shared_data variable 

bdb_tmpdir variable 

bdb_version variable 

BEGIN statement  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 


    Perl DBI database handle method  2nd 

BENCHMARK() function  2nd 

BETWEEN comparison operator  2nd 


    setting variables 

BIGINT numeric type  2nd 

BIN() function 

BINARY attribute

    string column types 

BINARY cast operator  2nd 

binary data

    handling in queries  2nd 


binary log files

    displaying information about 

binary log index file  2nd 

    in data directory 

binary MySQL distributions  2nd 

    installation  2nd 

BINARY statement

    string comparisons 

binary strings  2nd 

binary update log  2nd  3rd 

    expiration  2nd 

    in data directory 

binary update log files

    displaying information about  2nd 

binary update logs

    deleting  2nd 

    displaying events  2nd 

    for disaster recovery 


    Perl DBI parameter binding 

    Perl DBI statement handle method  2nd 


    Perl DBI parameter binding 

    Perl DBI statement handle method 


    Perl DBI statement handle method  2nd 

binlog-ignore-db option 

binlog_cache_size variable 

bit operators  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 

    type conversion 

BIT_AND() function 

BIT_COUNT() function 

BIT_LENGTH() function 

BIT_OR() function 

BLOB column type

    packing data with  2nd 

    query optimization  2nd 

BLOB string type  2nd  3rd 

boolean full text searches  2nd  3rd 

boolean operators.  [See logical operators]

boolean option syntax  2nd 

booting.  [See starting]

BSD-style systems

    starting server 

bug reports.  [See mysqlbug script]

built-in table handlers

    selecting  2nd 

bulk_insert_buffer_size variable 


    versus characters (string length)  2nd 
