Developing Series 60 Applications: A Guide for Symbian OS C++ Developers: A Guide for Symbian OS C++ Developers

Our review and advisory team consisted of Nokia and Siemens subject matter experts and many independent reviewers, with relevant technical background, engaged by Addison-Wesley. This team grounded our manuscript with a real-world balance. We are indebted to them all for the time, care and expertise they put into this project.

Ari Aumala, Petri Backstrom, Richard Bloor, Gerard Bruen, David Carson, Anurag Chandra, Tuomas Eerola, Juergen Fey, Riku Granat, Juha Hietasarka, Pekka Jokela, Juuso Kanner, Jari Karlsberg, Heikki Koivu, Michael Kroll, Ari Kuusisto, Eero Kutola, Vladimir Minenko, Ralph Moore, Seppo Pakarinen, Matti Parnanen, Markus Penttila, Robert van der Pool, Harri Poyhonen, Tero Pulkkinen, Krister Rask, Larry Rudolph, Jussi Ruutu, Joseph Satter, Patrick Stickler, Marko Suoknuuti, Jari Suutarinen, John Szeder, Eero Tunkelo, Mikko Tuokko, Michael Urlich, Charlie White.
